Monday, 10 March 2025
News with tag Kickstarter  RSS
Top 10 Games in Early Development You Should Know About

Added: 02.04.2015 2:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Last week, GameRevolution brought you the Top Ten Kickstarter projects that were currently in the midst of active campaigns. But Kickstarter is just one method of creating new concepts for games. Developers pull inspiration and ideas from a multitude of sources, such as movies, television, other video games, and even current events.


Kickstarter Videogame Data Analysis For March 2015

Added: 01.04.2015 22:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "It's that time again, time to look back and examine the Kickstarter videogame data from last month. We've already looked at the successful campaigns, as well as the failed campaigns, so now let's dig into the data itself. 105 videogame campaigns were unsuccessful on Kickstarter this month as opposed to the 35 successes. Both of these numbers are up from February, however not to the same degree. February had 70 failures with 28 successes. So basically, when analysts discuss the most successful months (April being one of them!) theyre not kidding, but the percentage of success will likely not stray too far, while unsuccessful campaigns will no doubt clutter up everything."


Successful Kickstarter Videogame Campaigns for March 2015

Added: 01.04.2015 20:18 | 2 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "March was an interesting month in the world of crowdfunding. After the ridiculous successes of February, it seemed like 2015 was off to an absolute bang. This immense success led me to believe that there would be less campaigns in March. My opinion was that potential project leads would be worried by the incredible high quality showing of campaigns in a short time frame. Also, that chances were likely that less money would be flung around in March due to backers spending heavily last month. As it turns out, we still saw a great deal of large scale campaigns - although most did not see super excessive amounts of funding. It really does seem that this is the way of the future for Kickstarter wherein campaigns rarely make hundreds of thousands over a goal amount."


Warlocks vs Shadows Early Access Preview | Leviathyn

Added: 01.04.2015 18:18 | 9 views | 0 comments

First impressions of the recent action RPG Kickstarter success: Warlocks vs Shadows.


Once Bitten, Twice Dead Coming to Wii U

Added: 31.03.2015 23:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

Save humanity from the "zomblokaplypse" by donating to this open-world zombie adventure game on Kickstarter today!


Going Rogue In The Aptly Titled Roguelands

Added: 31.03.2015 20:18 | 17 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "It's really cool to see developers who are now on their third or fourth Kickstarter campaigns after having previous successes. Sean Young is one of these people. After crowdfunding his previous projects (Pixel Kingdom and Magicite) he has now returned with Roguelands, the latest and most ambitious game yet. As the name might suggest, it also features a good deal of roguelike features, although there's a lot of other inspirations at play too. Players, either alone or with a group of other players, explore procedurally generated planets in search of resources. Of course, each planet is full of danger - not to mention a monstrous creature known as the Destroyer which is always hot on your trail."


Hover: Revolt Of Gamers Launches On Steam Early Access April 6th

Added: 31.03.2015 8:18 | 1 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "Next week Fusty Games highly anticipated and most-definitely Kickstarted indie title Hover: Revolt of Gamers will be launching on Steams Early Access platform starting April 6th. The game is a revitalization of the counter-culture, extreme-sports racing and platforming genre that was birthed and died with the Jet Set Radio series. Soon, gamers will be able to play-test the title they helped bring to life through the power of crowd-funding."


Once Bitten, Twice Dead Coming to Wii U

Added: 31.03.2015 4:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

Save humanity from the "zomblokaplypse" by donating to this open-world zombie adventure game on Kickstarter today!


Start A Videogame Kickstarter Steal From An Icon. Why Not

Added: 31.03.2015 3:18 | 17 views | 0 comments

Greg Micek writes: "Game developers running roughshod over the intellectual property of others is an all too common occurrence on Kickstarter. Whether theyre trying to turn Saturday morning cartoon icons into mascots for gambling, reviving a beloved series they have no rights to, or just stealing someone elses content, the shadier side of Kickstarter never ceases to be entertaining. Case in point, the Kickstarter campaign for Greanwolds World; or more specifically its pitch video."


What Kickstarter Video Game Campaigns Launched March 22 - 28?

Added: 29.03.2015 22:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

Greg Micek writes : "Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn't to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you'd like to back, and which ones to run from. This week there were 25 to choose from."


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