The Legend of Korra Review - The Digital Fix
Added: 13.11.2014 12:12 | 1 views | 0 comments
Fans of television series The Legend of Korra may be thrilled to hear it has received a beat em up video game adaptation, but theyre less likely to be thrilled by the end product. M. Night Shyamalans film adaptation of its predecessor, Avatar: The Last Airbender, was a low point for the franchise but The Legend of Korra is a real challenge to its crown. This is a video game with all the depth of a paddling pool, a shallow effort with no purpose and no respect for its source material. Loved the television series? Now would be the time to look away.
| Review: The Legend Of Korra is a blotch on Platinum's reputation
Added: 12.11.2014 15:12 | 11 views | 0 comments
Another sad day for Avatar fans. Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender have it pretty bad. When the series isn't being confused with James Cameron's blockbuster blue man movie, it's being dismissed as just another cartoon fad.
| Review: The Legend of Korra - PSNStores
Added: 09.11.2014 9:12 | 9 views | 0 comments
PSN stores: The core gameplay in Korra is great. Its not as expansive as some of the other Platinum developed games and thats okay. This is the kind of game where its important to keep your expectations in check between what the game is and what you might want it to be. There will be those who are unable to look past some of the faults and others, like myself, who are able to deal with its shortcomings. Whichever side you ultimately fall on will likely determine whether or not you should check this game out.
| The Legend Of Korra: The Game Review - Nerd Like You
Added: 09.11.2014 3:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
The Legend of Korra is a mixed bag. To be honest, if youre a fan this may or may not be a rather disappointing entry in an otherwise stellar series, so simply recommending it to fans isnt happening.
| The Legend of Korra (PS4) Review - Gamestyle
Added: 09.11.2014 0:15 | 12 views | 0 comments
Bayonetta 2 isnt the only Platinum Games joint thats been released lately, there is another. Step forward The Legend of Korra, an adaptation of the Nickelodeon show that shows that even a developer as great as Platinum has their off days.
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