Metal Gear Rising Director May be the Saviour of Transformers: Devastation
Added: 17.06.2015 3:05 | 11 views | 0 comments
Platinum Games’ video game spin-off of Another boss battle threw us in an arena with Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, who is rocking his purple colours again, for those interested. This fight required us to make use of the transformed vehicle mode to build up speed, rush at him, and execute an uppercut to break his guard. Using the arena to build speed and unleash destructive uppercuts and area-of-effect spin attacks will no doubt become more important as harder enemy variants are introduced. We’ll be honest, we came out way more excited for Transfomers: Devastation than when we went in. There’s lots of other little touches we love. The little animated character portraits that strike exaggerated poses at various points during the conversation. The vibrant visual style that renders the Autobots with beautiful gleams of colour. The fact that Optimus Prime's idle animation has him putting his hands on his hips and striking a sassy pose, instead of a gruff prepare-for-battle position. All of this inspires confidence that Platinum is giving Transformers the care and attention it deserves, and helps put The Legend of Korra behind us.
| Mystic Messenger: Introducing Jumin Han
Added: 16.06.2015 15:16 | 7 views | 0 comments
"Well, we knew a suit was involved, but now we also know whos wearing it! Cheritz, a South Korean otome developer, has now introduced the first bachelor in their new app game, Mystic Messenger: Jumin Han! Its a very interesting name, and certainly the surname of Han in South Korea brings up connotations of nobility, the name literally meaning leader or country. My guess is that this character knows of the finer things in life!" - Rice Digital
| King's Quest: you won't have to wait years for second chapter
Added: 16.06.2015 12:19 | 4 views | 0 comments
Gamereactor caught up with the creative director of King's Quest, Matt Korba, and discovered more about the incoming episodic adventure.
"There's going to be five episodes," Korba confirmed. "We haven't announced the schedule yet... but you're not going to be having to wait a very long time. It's not going to be one of those games that comes out and you don't get to play the second part until two or three years later."
The first chapter of King's Quest is heading to PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360, and it's coming out in late July. Check out the full interview to find out what the studio are doing to keep the classic adventure series fresh, and then click through for more gameplay footage and screenshots.
| Mabinogi Heroes -Taiwan server is shutting down this August
Added: 08.06.2015 0:19 | 7 views | 0 comments
MMOculture: After three years, Taiwan publisher Beanfun (Gamania) today announced the closure of Mabinogi Heroes on 11 August. The reason given was due to the contract signed with Nexon Korea expiring. Beanfun tried to preserve player data, but it was not possible due to some technical issues. Gamania is preparing to enter the mobile games market soon, and is slowly shutting down its client games.
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