Monday, 03 March 2025
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Do We Really Need a BioShock Collection for Current-Gen Consoles?

Added: 21.09.2015 15:31 | 450 views | 0 comments

Seriously, what is the deal with all of these remakes, remasters, ports, and "Definitive Editions" this generation? We've seen it with Tomb Raider, we've seen it with The Last of Us, Dishonored, Gear of War, and we've seen it with nearly every entry in the Halo franchise!


Who Owns That Pokemon?

Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 124 views | 0 comments

NWR: The ownership of portable gaming's biggest franchise isn't as twisted as Giovanni's Wild Ride. Last week's introduction of Pokémon Go was famously teased by The Pokémon Company as having "new company partnerships", which set off a brief torrent of speculation about what that could mean. Some people took it as a sign that Pokémon would be going all mobile going forward. In reality, it turned out to be an arrangement co-ordinated by the late Satoru Iwata to create an alternate reality Pokémon RPG for mobile, with the blessing of Nintendo.


Gundam Extreme VS Force Gets New Off-Screen Gameplay Video

Added: 21.09.2015 13:17 | 198 views | 0 comments

GS:" Last week several new PlayStation consoles exclusive titles have been revealed during Sony pre-Tokyo Game Show 2015 conference. Among them was Gundam Extreme VS Force, the new entry of the Bandai Namco series based on the popular Gundam series. The game was also available in playable form last week and several gameplay videos have surfaced online in the past few days. Another one of these gameplay videos has surfaced online the past few hours."


Its time to give Destiny another chance: Here are some tips for tackling The Taken King

Added: 21.09.2015 9:17 | 136 views | 0 comments

MMGN writes: Destiny is now a lot closer to the game Bungie and Activision were promising it could be. Last year we said the game had a lot of growing up to do, but the third and most recent expansion, The Taken King, is undoubtedly the best Destiny experience yet. Combining the best features of the vanilla Destiny experience with a hoard of new additions, The Taken King is the perfect time to get back in and embrace your inner Guardian.


Amazon opens preorders for Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash with Chibi-Robo Amiibo Bundle

Added: 20.09.2015 2:17 | 145 views | 0 comments

Amazon is now taking preorders for the upcoming Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash with Chibi-Robo Amiibo Bundle.

Tags: Last, Roll, Amazon

Odin Sphere shares the best love stories in gaming

Added: 19.09.2015 13:19 | 133 views | 0 comments

Michibiku's Jenni Lada writes, "Theres only one title thats come close to getting it right, and thats Vanillaware and Atlus Odin Sphere. The three love stories depicted in this game are come close to being true, even when relying on stereotypical archetypes. They work because they portray the ups and downs that come from being connected to another individual, and the unconditional acceptance that results when two people commit themselves."

Tags: Last

One Last Hideo Kojima Game - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain PC Review - Morbid Play

Added: 19.09.2015 11:17 | 95 views | 0 comments

There are few video game franchises out there where the creators name resounds just as loud if not louder than the series themselves. Profiles such as Shigeru Miyamoto, Gabe Newell, Markus Notch Persson and of course Hideo Kojima are individuals well known throughout the industry for some of the most iconic video game titles to ever grace our glowing screens. So when one particular designers name was suddenly absent on upcoming promotional pieces we all got a little suspicious about the outcome Kojimas latest project. Now thankfully Whistler can dispel most of anxiousness and assure you that Hideo Kojimas swan song with Konami is one of utmost excellence and craftsmanship.


Odin Sphere shares the best love stories in gaming

Added: 19.09.2015 11:17 | 94 views | 0 comments

Michibiku's Jenni Lada writes, "Theres only one title thats come close to getting it right, and thats Vanillaware and Atlus Odin Sphere. The three love stories depicted in this game are come close to being true, even when relying on stereotypical archetypes. They work because they portray the ups and downs that come from being connected to another individual, and the unconditional acceptance that results when two people commit themselves."

Tags: Last

QA Interview: 4:33 Creative Lab

Added: 19.09.2015 11:17 | 116 views | 0 comments

MonsterVine: "With Blade: Sword of Elysions release on mobile, MonsterVine had a chat with 4:33 Creative Labs EVP of Global Publishing Won Cho."


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