Calvino Noir Sneaks Onto PS4 August 25th
Added: 14.08.2015 8:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Posted by Dan Walters on Aug 13, 2015 // Director, Calvino Noir
Hello again, everyone! Its Dan, Harry, and Josh from Calvino Noir. Last time we were on Playstation.Blog we chatted about the game launching on PS4, and the characters. Were back to talk about the voice acting which brings Wilt, Siska, and Arno to life and to announce the official release date on PS4!
| July 2015 NPD: Lack of new games doesnt hurt industry or PlayStation 4
Added: 14.08.2015 0:18 | 2 views | 0 comments
Here is the full NPD report to follow up Sony's announcement that it was the top-selling console for July.
| PLG Reviews | Axis Football 2015
Added: 13.08.2015 23:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
Picked Last Gamers takes a look at the Madden alternative Axis Football 2015. Available now for PC on Steam.
| Lara Croft GO Arrives This Month
Added: 13.08.2015 21:16 | 16 views | 0 comments
A never-before-seen take on the iconic franchise at your fingertips
| Calvino Noir Sneaks Onto PS4 August 25th
Added: 13.08.2015 16:01 | 60 views | 0 comments
Hello again, everyone! It's Dan, Harry, and Josh from Calvino Noir. Last time we were on Playstation.Blog we chatted about the game launching on PS4, and the characters. We're back to talk about the voice acting which brings Wilt, Siska, and Arno to life... and to announce the official release date on PS4!
| Baseless Speculation: Wii U's Last Stand
Added: 13.08.2015 12:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
Assuming that Nintendo had one final ace up their Wii U sleeve, what would it be?
Baseless Speculation is a new feature where we poll our staff and readers on a speculative question, and corral the responses.
This week on Baseless Speculation: Assuming that Nintendo has at least one more ace up their sleeve for Wii U, what would it be? We put the question to our staff and our Twitter followers, and here's what you came up with!
| Which franchise should get the Lego treatment next
Added: 13.08.2015 5:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Steve C. writes: 'Last week I had the pleasure of reviewing Lego Jurassic World, and it got me thinking as to what franchise Travellers Tales should attempt a Lego revision of next. The only rules that I set for myself were that the IP has to have had an official Lego set made of it and it has to be family-friendly (nothing above a PG-13).'
| August PS Plus PS4 Takeaway
Added: 12.08.2015 23:18 | 20 views | 0 comments
This august gives us Limbo and a new isometric Lara Croft game. Are are of these worth playing through or should you save your time and data?
| Patrick Kane Removed From NHL 16 Cover Due to Rape Investigation
Added: 12.08.2015 22:30 | 49 views | 0 comments
Last week, police investigated star forward for the Chicago Blackhawks Patrick Kane in his hometown of Hamburg, New York over allegations of rape. The latest details which have been reported say the woman in her 20s behind the accusation had bite marks on her shoulders and a scratch on her leg.
| Video Game weekly deals 8/12 Update from Amazon others (US)
Added: 12.08.2015 18:20 | 41 views | 0 comments
This week brings lots of discounts, in particular for the Wii U: Mario Kart 8 is $48.47, Mario Party 10 $34.99, and Super Smash Bros is $44.99 for Wii U on Amazon right now. On PS3, the awesome Heavy Rain: Directors Cut is $15.12 (50% off).
The humble bundle bandai Namco is still going on for a few days, and the PSN NA store has a Square Enix sale going on. On Steam, the Midweek Madness deal is 75% off Left 4 Dead 2. If you still don't have a PS4, eBay sell the Last Of Us Remastered PS4 Bundle for $349.99 right now.
In Preorders, The limited Xbox One controller: Halo 5 Master Chief edition joins the best selling charts, as well as the LEGO Dimensions Ghostbuster Stay Puft pack, and the Ghostbuster Level pack.
Amazon Prime members can now preorder Destiny Taken King Legendary Edition for the discounted price of $49.99.
Tags: Hack, Dead, Mario, Star, Gain, Video, Xbox, LEGO, Prime, Last, Heart, Kids, Video Game, Bros, Master, Destiny, Party, Square, Enix, Update, Amazon, Square Enix, Namco, Karl, Remastered, China, Legendary, Puls, Xbox One, Leaf, Smart, Smash Bros
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