Tuesday, 25 February 2025
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Video Game Deals of the Week 07/22 Update from Amazon and others (US)

Added: 22.07.2015 17:19 | 9 views | 0 comments

It seems to be a good deal week for 3DS owners. Super smash Bros is $29.99 on 3DS (25% off) with an additional $3 off for Prime members on Amazon (The Wii U version is $49.99 17% off), Mario Kart 7 is $19.99, and Pokémon X is $29.99 (25% off) For other consoles, The Evil Within is currently $19.99 for PS4/XBO (67% off) on Amazon. Transistor is $5, Bastion $3.45 on the PSN. Wolfenstein, The Old Blood is $9.99 on the PSN. The humble bundle this week has $171 worth of games for the price of your choice, including Outland and Mercenary Kings. On Steam, the midweek madness deal is 50% off the Telltale Game of Thrones series. In preorders, Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, Skylanders Superchargers Dark Edition, and NBA 2K16 Michael Jordan Special Edition enter Amazon's preorders Best Sellers list this week.

From: n4g.com

StarCraft 2: Play Whispers Of Oblivion Prologue Now!

Added: 19.07.2015 13:19 | 12 views | 0 comments

Now available for digital and physical pre-order, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void has quite the incentive to pull the trigger. Anyone who pre-purchases the game will instantly obtain all three Whispers Of Oblivion prologue missions, giving players control of Zeratul, the Dark Templar.

From: n4g.com

The Legacy Of Nintendo's Satoru Iwata

Added: 17.07.2015 23:19 | 8 views | 0 comments

Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, who died on Saturday at the age of 55, leaves a legacy marked by both massive successes and inevitable failures.

Tags: Legacy
From: n4g.com

What We Love (and Don't) in Starcraft 2's New Prologue Missions - IGN Overclocked

Added: 17.07.2015 20:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

The demo for Legacy of the Void is very different from Starcraft 2. This is exciting and troubling.

From: feeds.ign.com

Satoru Iwatas Legacy and the Future of Nintendo

Added: 17.07.2015 5:15 | 54 views | 0 comments

BagoGames Satoru Iwata brought charm, laughter, and fun to Nintendo and the gaming industry. Today we remember the man who showed us that games are for everyone to enjoy. A video game programmer, the forth president and CEO of the Nintendo company and a gamer, Iwata-san pushed Nintendo back into the spotlight with the Wii and the DS. We remember his Direct Videos, the Iwata Asks website, and of course, his ability to make Nintendo move forward and beyond imagination.

From: n4g.com

The Gamer Headlines Show Ep. 39: New Star Wars Game, Halos Sales, and The Legacy of Mr. Iwata

Added: 16.07.2015 22:15 | 3 views | 0 comments

This weeks episode has our hosts discussing Jade Raymonds new studio and her involvement on Visceral Games Star Wars title, the recently announced sales figures for the Halo series, and a tribute to Satoru Iwata. Hosted by Adnan Riaz and Christopher Cortes

From: n4g.com

StarCraft 2: Legacy of the void is now available for pre-order

Added: 16.07.2015 21:15 | 8 views | 0 comments

The great people at Blizzard have announced that StarCraft 2: Legacy of the void is now available for pre-order! Two version are currently there to be purchased both offering Beta access to the game before its release later this year

From: n4g.com

Capcom Reveals More Mega Man Legacy Collection Details

Added: 16.07.2015 3:15 | 9 views | 0 comments

Capcom gave us fo on what to expect when the collection drops this summer

From: n4g.com

Capcom Brings Back the Nostalgia With Mega Man Legacy and Resident Evil Zero Remaster

Added: 16.07.2015 3:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Capcom always has a good presence at San Diego Comic-Con, and this year was no different. With Street Fighter V as their flagship title, it's no surprise that it was the main draw at both this year's E3 and Comic-Con. However, the only noticeable difference between the content shown at both shows is that the public got to play the game at Comic-Con, and there was also a tournament. Since GR has already covered Street Fighter V extensively, I decided to focus on Resident Evil Zero and Mega Man Legacy Collection.

From: www.gamerevolution.com

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