Destiny The Legend of You trailers feature your own Guardian
Added: 14.09.2015 15:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
Destiny's new "The Legend of You" campaign puts together a video for you, all about your very own Guardian.
| PES 2016 Review | VideoGamer
Added: 14.09.2015 11:17 | 38 views | 0 comments
Become A Legend still appeals with its riches to more riches career path, even if some of the decisions it makes off the back of your performances still don't make sense (I scored seven goals in six games, with five assists, and didn't get a call up for the national team). So too are match ratings all over the place: I've never seen it go higher than 8/10, despite hat-tricks or man of the match performances (this also afflicts Master League).
None of these problems keep PES 2016 from being the greatest football game of all time. The question is no longer whether PES can catch FIFA, and in truth hasn't been for a while. Instead, it's the other way around, and may well be for years.
| Dishonored Definitive Edition Review | Brash Games
Added: 14.09.2015 9:17 | 61 views | 0 comments
Remaster. Remake. Definitive. These have all become strangely dirty words in the past few years. With a relative dearth of genuine new content for the Xbox One, and in particular, the PS4, the gaps have subsequently been filled by up-scaled versions of games that the majority of us have already played on the PS3 or 360. Sure, some games are unquestionably worthy of a second crack of the whip, while others receive enough additional polish to make them feel like relatively new experiences, but recently, jeez, we have seen some odd games receiving the Definitive treatment. Prototype 1 and 2, Sleeping Dogs, heck, even The Legend of Kay got a re-release..The Legend of Kay for Heavens sake. And with the utterly mediocre likes of Resident Evil 0 and Deadpool just around the corner, it seems that there is no end in sight for this glut of largely unwanted remakes and re-masters.
Tags: Evil, Resident Evil, Resident, Brave, With, Xbox, There, Review, Legend, Dishonored, Deadpool
| The Legend of Legacy Owen, Eloise, and Filmia Trailer
Added: 13.09.2015 17:19 | 34 views | 0 comments
A mercenary, an alchemist, and a Frog Prince.
What will you find in The Legend of Legacy?
Releasing 10/13/2015...
| Grand Sphere: Legend of the Dragon - F'ing Great F2p -
Added: 13.09.2015 11:17 | 25 views | 0 comments
Grand Sphere is a free to play mobile game in the collection and evolution genre from Silicon Studio, the developers behind Bravely Default. Recently made available in English, our review outlines how its engaging RPG combat and unobtrusive monetization sets it head and shoulders above other games of this type.
| The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel Will Be Released Before Trails In The Sky Second Chapter
Added: 12.09.2015 18:21 | 65 views | 0 comments
GS:" Earlier this week publisher XSEED has revealed that The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel is going to be released this holiday season in North America, without saying more about the release of another entry of the series which was supposed to be released this Summer, Trails in the Sky Second Chapter. A few days ago XSEED Localization Specialist Thomas Lipshultz revealed that Trails in the Sky Second Chapter was still planned to release before Trails Of Cold Steel but it seems like things won't be going as planned."
| The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel Will Be Released Before Trails In The Sky Second Chapter
Added: 12.09.2015 16:17 | 52 views | 0 comments
GS:" Earlier this week publisher XSEED has revealed that The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel is going to be released this holiday season in North America, without saying more about the release of another entry of the series which was supposed to be released this Summer, Trails in the Sky Second Chapter. A few days ago XSEED Localization Specialist Thomas Lipshultz revealed that Trails in the Sky Second Chapter was still planned to release before Trails Of Cold Steel but it seems like things won't be going as planned."
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