League of Legends Lag Fix Leaves Pro Unhappy
Added: 12.08.2015 20:33 | 10 views | 0 comments
Riot Games hopes a server migration to Chicago will alleviate lag issues for many League of Legends players.
| CivCraft - Legends of Ellaria Kickstarter Campaign Launched
Added: 11.08.2015 20:21 | 14 views | 0 comments
Rule your kingdom, pick your adventure
| Reworked Fiora Champion Review
Added: 11.08.2015 5:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
Riot Games are reworking League of Legends champions left and right these days and the latest to get the rework treatment is Fiora. Fioras rework is one of the most drastic and controversial yet as pretty much the entire way shes played has been altered. Some abilities got better while others seem far worse than their old version.
| The League of Legends A-Z : A is for Attack
Added: 11.08.2015 3:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
A definitive guide for new League of Legends players to understand all the new terms and concepts that the game throws at you. A new letter will be explored each day!
| Freejam Games discusses how Curse Voice improved Robocraft's Community
Added: 09.08.2015 10:18 | 11 views | 0 comments
Examiner states, "After integrating Curse Voice, Robocraft immediately saw a 258% increase in active Robocraft players. In July it was revealed that Riot Games, developer of the popular MOBA League of Legends, had made a $30,000,000 investment in Curse. It is unclear whether or not Riot will integrate Curse Voice into League of Legends in the same way that Robocraft has, but the investment highlights the VoIP's appeal and utility."
| DX12 Powered Fable Legends Gets New Screens, Windows 10 Beta Later This Month
Added: 07.08.2015 22:19 | 10 views | 0 comments
Windows 10 gamers will enter Fable Legends' version of Albion later this month, when the closed beta finally kicks off.
| Fable Legends gamescom 2015 Video
Added: 07.08.2015 18:38 | 7 views | 0 comments
Find out what makes Fable Legends the most exciting Fable game yet
| My hands-on tour with Fable Legends left me thinking it could take over my life | Windows Central
Added: 07.08.2015 17:18 | 11 views | 0 comments
Join Windows Central on an extended Fable Legends tour with game director David Eckelberry.
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