Immersive Horror Title Parasite Launches for Oculus Rift
Added: 15.08.2014 23:13 | 8 views | 0 comments
VRFocus - The horror genre has seen something of a revival with the rise of virtual reality (VR) technology, and this week sees yet another new entry into the genre for the technology release. That title is Parasite, an immersive horror experience from indie developer Lippe which can currently be downloaded for free over on the official Oculus VR Share Beta on PC. Mac and Linux versions of the experience are yet to be confirmed.
| Caffeine Demo Hits Linux
Added: 12.08.2014 2:13 | 7 views | 0 comments
VRFocus - Last week saw the release of a brand new demo for the upcoming virtual reality (VR) compatible sci-fi horror title, Caffeine. The demo, released for PC, was based off of the build that developer Incandescent Imaging revealed at this year's AVCon and is compatible with the Oculus Rift VR head-mounted display (HMD). Now a Linux version of the same demo has launched for users to test out.
| Mindfield Games Announces VR Exploration Title Pollen
Added: 02.08.2014 0:13 | 10 views | 0 comments
VRFocus - As the Oculus Rift virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) continues to improve its technology and march towards its as-of-yet undecided release date, more developers are revealing VR-focused videogames. One such developer is Mindfield Games, which has this week lifted the lid on its VR exploration title, Pollen. The title is due out on PC in 2015 with support for Mac and Linux also planned, and will arrive with full support for the Oculus Rift.
| Habitat Announced for Playstation 4 System
Added: 31.07.2014 1:13 | 8 views | 0 comments
Indie publisher Versus Evil, in partnership with Seattle based indie developer 4gency, today announced that Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit will be coming to PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system in 2015 in addition to PC, Mac, Linux and Xbox One. In Earths orbit, where crisis is guaranteed, Habitat is the only strategic space survival game that uses orbital debris to build the future homes of humanity and where hope for survival relies on the creativity and resourcefulness of the player. An Early Access build for PC, Mac and Linux is now available through Steam, Amazon, Humble Store, GameFly, Gamers Gate, GreenMan Gaming and Nuuvem priced at $14.99, £10.99 and 14.99.
| Bingo Liner UK 3.1
Added: 29.07.2014 13:21 | 3 views | 0 comments
We are happy to introduce the most popular and interesting UK online bingo game - Bingo Liner UK.
| Opening Scenes | Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty - 15 Mins PS4 Gameplay
Added: 27.07.2014 22:13 | 6 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn writes: Abe's Oddysee was one of our favourite 2D platformers back in the PS1's heyday, so we're delighted that Just Add Water has given the game a shiny HD makoever, although we're not sold, nor see the point of, the new name - Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty. In addition to the new visuals, the separate screens that broke up a stage as you ran onto them from left to right have been replaced with one smoothly scrolling stage.
And you can check it out for yourself with a couple of videos I recently shot on the PS4, the first one contains the opening cutscene followed by a run through the entire first stage. To show off some of the more outdoorsy scenes I put together a second video with scenes of the Monsaic Lines and Scarabania stages. Notice the oh so smooth editing in the second video as I cut out multiple failed attempts at two bastard-hard platforming sections. Probably for the best I didn't record a commentary for the second video. *(second video on site)*
| Use Links Equipment in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Added: 27.07.2014 4:13 | 8 views | 0 comments
Junkie Monkeys: It was previously said that Links equipment in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate would be replaced with another for the U.S. Well, the Monster Hunter YouTube Channel recently uploaded a video showing otherwise.
| Trails in the Flash II Has Different Event Lines For Those With Data From The First Game
Added: 26.07.2014 18:13 | 4 views | 0 comments
Falcom has a pretty neat pre-order campaign going on for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash II, and it looks like they also have a few surprises for those that beat the first game. Here are some of the extra content players will get.
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