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From: www.gamesradar.com

Metal Reaper Online Public Beta Dated, Video Available

Added: 25.04.2015 11:57 | 10 views | 0 comments

A gun shooting MMORPG with full of actions

From: www.gamershell.com

The Pirate's Life for Ye - How to Be A Successful Pirate in ArcheAge

Added: 24.04.2015 18:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

ArcheAge is a previously Asia-only Sandbox MMORPG that has recently made its appearance on the western stage. ArcheAge is praised for its in-depth crafting system, expansive world for players to explore and PvP that allows player to not just fight another faction, but their own as well. Those who have indulged in ArcheAge may know of the two default factions - the Nuia and the Haranya - but those are not the only options available. The game allows players who commit enough bad deeds to become banished from their faction and join the Pirate faction, officially embracing the pirate's life. While many are enticed by the pirate's life in ArcheAge, it's not easy. Getting into the Pirate faction can be a task in and of itself, but the pirate's life comes with as many downfalls as it does benefits.

From: n4g.com

Spiral Knights 20150423

Added: 24.04.2015 0:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

Help the Spiral Knights as they explore an alien world in this MMORPG game

Tags: Help, MMORPG
From: spd.rss.ac

English-language games North America will never get to play

Added: 23.04.2015 9:00 | 37 views | 0 comments

When you live in a country that seems to get every game by default, it's easy to take things for granted. Sure, we've had a history of congresspeople attempting to demonize video games, but our self-regulating ratings board is surprisingly lenient compared to countries like Australia or Germany, who decide what games consumers can and can't purchase. Plus, if a game ever leaves Japan, there's a damn good chance it's going to come stateside before other territories.

Except for when it doesn't. There are quite a few games that got fully translated into English, though for whatever reason, didn't make it outside of Europe - or hell, even Japan. North America is massive in comparison to other English-speaking territories, and maybe trucking games cross-country just to sit on store shelves doesn't make a lot of sense. Whatever the reason, make sure you brace yourself for disappointment (or prepare to shell out the cash for region-specific hardware), because these are some of the teresting games we North Americans are missing out on.

Here it is, folks: one of the few Zelda games that will never make it to North America. OK, well, technically it's starring everyone's "favorite" 40-year-old human fairy, Tingle. Even though you're not playing as Link, it still feels like a Legend of Zelda game in many ways. There's an overworld to explore, dungeons full of puzzles to solve, and tons of rupees to snag.

In fact, rupees are an important part, because they're not just a currency you can use to purchase items and haggle with Hyrule's inhabitants - they're Tingle’s health bar too. Run out of cash and it's lights out for our green-tighted hero. This game probably could have had an honest shot here, if not for the fact that pretty much everyone thinks that Tingle is one of the creepiest characters Nintendo's ever made.

Remember Hotel Dusk: Room 215? That Nintendo DS game that looked like it came right out of an ? Well, its now-defunct developer Cing actually made a sequel a few years later that was fully translated and released in Europe.

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West continues the story of Kyle Hyde, the police officer-turned-delivery man as he unravels yet another mystery. According to reviews, Last Window is supposed to be just as good as its predecessor, filled with memorable characters and a unique graphical style, but the text-heavy adventure is perhaps a bit too niche for North American audiences. Much like...

Oh look, another Cing joint! This time, it's a sequel to the the DS adventure game Trace Memory (or, as it's known in Europe, Another Code: Two Memories). Trace Memory plays out like an interactive storybook, with some brisk puzzle-solving to keep things interesting. You play as a young Ashley Mizuki Robbins, as she explores the mysterious Blood Edward Island, looking for clues as to the whereabouts of her missing parents.

Unfortunately, some pacing issues and a lack of replayability led to middling reviews, which ultimately doomed its sequel, Another Code R, from ever seeing the light of day in North America - which is a shame, because it's largely an improvement over the original in many ways. It didn't help that the sequel was a Wii game, and by the time it finally launched, the Wii's software sales all but dried up for anything that wasn't a Mario game.

Here's another Nintendo-published Wii game that would have likely tanked in North America. If you're wondering why this game sounds familiar, you probably recognize it from Nintendo's E3 2006 presentation. Nintendo revealed the trailer for Monolith Soft's bonkers action title, then never spoke a single word about it. That's right: the same studio responsible for sprawling JRPGs about robots and swords and robot swords also worked on a QTE-laden survival game in which massive earthquakes and tsunamis wreck a coastal city in North America.

Nintendo quietly released Disaster: Day of Crisis abroad in October, 2008, but poor sales and middling review scores ensured that we'd never see the once-promised game grace our shores. It's weird that a game as gung-ho-America as Disaster: Day of Crisis would never get released here, but it's nothing compared to...

. Before crushing our souls with games like Bloodborne, From Software loved making mech games, like Chromehounds and Armored Core. But none of them compare to the sheer jingoistic audacity of Metal Wolf Chaos. Vice President Richard Hawk usurps the Oval Office from current president Michael Wilson (relative of Woodrow Wilson, naturally). How does he attempt to regain control of the White House? By piloting a giant mech, that's how. Eventually the two battle in space - because of course they do.

While its menus are in Japanese, the entire game is dubbed with gloriously terrible English voice acting, and it's pretty easy to figure out how to press A to America without having to study a second language. It is a crime we never got a localized version - it could have been video gaming's Team America: World Police, and there's no way translating everything would have taken longer than a Coca-Cola and apple pie-fueled fortnight.

Oh dear, this one is going to break more than a few hearts. Phantasy Star Online was an action-packed MMORPG for the Dreamcast released in 2000, a time when hooking your console up to the internet was a strange concept. Despite a relatively complicated set-up process compared to most modern-day online console titles, it garnered a decent cult following over its lifespan.

So of course fans were excited to hear that a full sequel would make its way to PC and Vita… and have continued to wait patiently for the game to ever make it to the West. Currently, Phantasy Star Online 2 is only out in Japan and the Pacific Southwest, but if you're willing to jump through some hoops, you can actually that will translate nearly everything for you. The fact that Sega hasn't done anything to block its use might as well be confirmation that we'll never get it.

The SNES is arguably one of the best JRPG machines on the planet, and North America actually got a fairly surprising amount of them, all things considered. But there's one in particular that stands out as one of the finest we'll probably never get to play: Terranigma.

Terranigma is the third entry of a loosely connected trilogy, developed by Quintet, the studio who brought us classics like ActRaiser, Soul Blazer, and Illusion of Gaia. In many ways, Terranigma is Quintet's magnum opus, a combination of complex religious themes and action-RPG concepts introduced in prior titles. So why didn't we get it? Turns out Enix wasn't doing so hot in the US, and had closed its North American subsidiary shortly before its localization was completed. That didn't stop Nintendo from taking it and publishing it on its own - but only in Europe and Australia.

If this article seems particularly Nintendo heavy, it's not because I'm bashing them. They just happen to make a habit of putting in a ton of work to make games readable by a Western audience then not releasing them in their largest English-speaking territory - or simply not releasing them at all. Case in point: Mother for the NES.

In Japan, what we refer to as EarthBound is known as Mother 2, the sequel to the original Mother game released in 1989 on the NES. Plans were set in motion to make Mother available to a Western audience, and the game was fully translated into English, until Nintendo of America decided (for whatever reason) that releasing it would be commercially unviable. Lucky for us, someone found a prototype and dumped the ROM files online, where it has since been dubbed EarthBound Zero by those who have come across it by less scrupulous means.

Mother 3, a game which many believe to be the finest (and most heart-wrenching) in the series, has been . Of course, Nintendo still has no plans to officially bring this title to the West, despite constantly taunting us with the inclusion of Mother 3 hero Lucas in Super Smash Bros. Sigh.

The Secret World is now £8.49 on Steam - so it's probably time you joined me

Added: 21.04.2015 21:17 | 9 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: "The Secret World is currently £8.49 on Steam, a 66% saving, and I'd wholeheartedly recommend getting involved. In fact, I constantly recommend it to anyone who'll listen. It creates atmosphere and tension like no other MMORPG out there, it spins a Lovecraftian yarn that puts horror games to shame, and lets you undertake revolutionary investigation missions that require real brainpower, detective work and even break the fourth wall!"

From: n4g.com

Stendhal 1.17

Added: 21.04.2015 16:53 | 7 views | 0 comments

A client for a retro MMORPG that has you exploring vast lands and fighting all kinds of monsters

From: spd.rss.ac

How To Start An Elder Scrolls Online Guild: Top 10 Tips

Added: 19.04.2015 9:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

Skyrim Fansite writes: "Ten essential tips on how to start an Elder Scrolls Online guild. The social aspects of MMORPG games is what sets them apart from standalone video games. True, in most online games you can still have a great first person experience, but its the opportunity to interact and game with like-minded players from around the world that truly makes MMORPGs shine. The Elder Scrolls Online is no exception, and opportunities abound to game with others. There are temporary team ups (clearing dungeons, XP grinding, one-on-one trading, etc.), and the ability to join or form your own guilds. Guilds are an exciting aspect of ESO, because they allow gamers to join a far larger group of players with like-minded goals. Guilds are like a special club that you get to join. Not only are they social, but guilds make it easier to work with others and have fun in the process."

From: n4g.com

Gardens of Gonzo Pre-Alpha

Added: 14.04.2015 17:38 | 9 views | 0 comments

A free-to-play MMORPG that packs an old-school graphic style and highly dynamic persistent world

From: spd.rss.ac

Path of Exile: The Awakening with Lead Designer Christ Wilson

Added: 13.04.2015 15:17 | 18 views | 0 comments

MMOGames' Hannah Richardson-Lewis had the chance to sit down with Chris Wilson Producer and Lead Designer of Grinding Gear Games, the 57-person team behind the esteemed free-to-play action MMORPG Path of Exile to talk about the massive expansion coming soon.

From: n4g.com

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