Warhammer: Arcane Magic Released
Added: 28.07.2015 19:21 | 9 views | 0 comments
A turn based strategy board game that casts players as powerful dueling wizards who use their spell cards to defeat their opponents and monsters
| GamesBeat: Magic Duels is the best digital version of the beloved card game
Added: 28.07.2015 19:18 | 4 views | 0 comments
Magic Duels takes some smart cues from Hearthstone.
| If you play a lot of games, then you need to play this one
Added: 27.07.2015 21:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
GotGame writes: If you play lots of games, then The Magic Circle is going to hit you hard.
| GameEnthus Podcast ep236: Ain't No Bat! or Sciencin'
Added: 24.07.2015 19:19 | 59 views | 0 comments
This week Jamie (@JamieBroadnax) creator of BlackGirlNerds joins Aaron (@Ind1fference) and Tiny (@Tiny415) to talk about: San Diego Comic Con, Nerds of Color, Ant-man, Avengers, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor, TMNT, Trainwreck, EVO2015, ArtScape, GameScape, Summer Games Done Quickly, Sharnado 3, Defiance, Ray Jay, Indiana Jones, Jurassic World, A Different World, Cree Summer, Batman Arkham Knight, FarmVille, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter II, Quest for Glory, Welltris, Bubble Bobble, The Sims, Saga, Secret Wars, Thor, Ms. Marvel, The Martian, Donald Glover, Magic Mike XXL, Terminator Genysis, Gotham, Sanford Arms, Cyborg, Deathlok, Green Lantern, She-Hulk, Deadpool, Arby's, Wii Fit, Tinder, Rocket League, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD, Attack the Light: Steven Universe RPG, Harvey Fierstein, Beauty and the Beast, Chappelle's Show, Tembo the Badass Elephant, Yasai Ninja, Q.U.B.E., Rayman Legends, Splatoon, No Time To Explain, Retron 5, That Rock Paper Scissors Game, Combat Core, Extra Life...
Tags: Green, Games, Street, Batman, Time, Quest, Paper, Secret, Down, Combat, Mini, Roll, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Fighter, Street Fighter, Magic, Final, James, Attack, Podcast, Marvel, Arkham, Batman Arkham, Rayman, Summer
| Warhammer: Arcane Magic Dated, Video Available
Added: 23.07.2015 18:48 | 14 views | 0 comments
A turn based strategy board game that casts players as powerful dueling wizards who use their spell cards to defeat their opponents and monsters
| Game Informer | 'Magic Duels: Origins' Review
Added: 23.07.2015 2:19 | 10 views | 0 comments
The Duels of the Planeswalkers series has seen many annual releases as the years have gone by fun, single-serving Magic: The Gathering digital games that allow players to experiment with interesting subsets of cards from the classic card game. Over the years weve seen more freedom, more cards, and improvements like getting to select your own land cards and full deck-building options. With Magic Duels, we keep all the best parts of the series, but the annual releases are no more.
| Magic Origins: A New Beginning For Magic The Gathering
Added: 22.07.2015 14:19 | 17 views | 0 comments
The new core set for Magic the Gathering (MTG), Magic Origins, finally released on July 17th. Ironically the 17th core set (and apparently the last iteration) of the trading card game, Magic Origins strongly meshes with its digital counterpart, Magic Duels: Origins. This release marks the end of Wizards of the Coasts traditional strategy of releasing three blocks of MTG cards per year.
| Runes of Magic Patch
Added: 22.07.2015 13:45 | 9 views | 0 comments
Use this patch to fix, update and enhance your Runes of Magic game in a very simple manner
| Magic Assistant / 1.4.3 Alpha
Added: 19.07.2015 6:27 | 8 views | 0 comments
Manage your Magic: the Gathering collection and keep track of your decks with this cataloging applicaiton
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