Watch the First Trailer for PlayStation-Exclusive Superhero TV Series Powers
Added: 11.10.2014 21:40 | 0 views | 0 comments
Brian Michael Bendis, co-creator of the Powers comic book and executive producer of the PlayStation original series of the same name, today revealed the first trailer for the show at the New York City Comic-Con. You can watch the trailer above, or watch the whole NYCC panel with Bendis and the actors from the show on Twitch by skipping to the 04:09:20 mark |
| Watch the First Trailer for PlayStation-Exclusive Superhero TV Series Powers
Added: 11.10.2014 21:40 | 0 views | 0 comments
Brian Michael Bendis, co-creator of the Powers comic book and executive producer of the PlayStation original series of the same name, today revealed the first trailer for the show at the New York City Comic-Con. You can watch the trailer above, or watch the whole NYCC panel with Bendis and the actors from the show on Twitch by skipping to the 04:09:20 mark |