Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous To Honor Leonard Nimoy
Added: 02.03.2015 13:08 | 8 views | 0 comments
Star Citizen community manager Ben Lesnick. "I think it's safe to say that Mr. Nimoy was an inspiration to all of us on the team, both acting as Spock and because of his core, kind humanity. We will find an appropriate way to honor him."Meanwhile, Elite: Dangerous producer executive producer Michael Brookes confirmed that his space game, too, will honor the iconic actor. "Just a heads up that there'll be a Nimoy Memorial station added in the Wings update (1.2), so the Yembo station is still open for other suggestions." Developers behind both Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous didn't reveal any images of their Nimoy tributes. But once more details are revealed, we'll have that information for you. Nimoy died at his Los Angeles home last Friday. The cause of death was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nimoy had been hospitalized earlier in the week. He played Spock in the original Star Trek series in the 1960s, later appearing in--and directing--some of the 1980s Star Trek movies. Nimoy also had a small role in J.J. Abrams' 2009's Star Trek reboot.
| Episode 31 | Interview with Dev Michael Mendheim
Added: 01.03.2015 0:10 | 11 views | 0 comments
In Episode 31, 4 Guys with Quarters began the show with a pre-recorded interview of Michael Mendheim, the creative mind behind Mutant Football League (releasing on PC, Xbox One, and PS4)! After the interview, 4 Guys with Quarters flew through a bunch of gaming news stories from the past week, including Fable Legends going free-to-play and Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast Furious. After talking about the newest releases 4 Guys with Quarters gave their thoughts on the newest Deals/Games with Gold. Near the end of the show 4 Guys with Quarters gave away $25 LeapTrade credit, courtesy of!
Tags: Games, Force, Michael, Xbox, Fate, After, Trade, League, Episode, Legends, Gulf, Interview
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