GamesAsylum | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD - Review
Added: 03.12.2013 11:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
GamesAsylum: "Earlier this year Capcom did something rather unexpected and brought the 3DS-exclusive Resident Evil: Revelations to consoles. By vastly improving the visuals and adding new modes Capcom just about managed to pull off this somewhat questionable stunt.
Konami have now followed suit by bringing the 3DSs Mirror of Fate to both PSN and XBLA. Out of all the thoroughly excellent 3DS games released this year this perhaps the only one to have not sold in significant numbers, so to see it being given a second chance is rather pleasing"
| Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate HD (This Is My Joystick)
Added: 02.12.2013 6:17 | 6 views | 0 comments
Castlevania. Synonymous with vampires, whips and erm, castles, the horror-action series has been present on almost every console since its inception on the NES. My first experience was Symphony of the Night on PS1, before back-peddling to play the roots of the series on the ye olde consoles. Ive always found it to be tricky, inventive and very exciting.
With Lords of Shadow, the series was rebooted for the current, shiny generation to generally rapturous praise. Not wanting to leave its old home behind, Mirror of Fate followed shortly after on 3DS. Now ported to Xbox Live Arcade, its found a new home as a lush and surprisingly modern side-scroller.
| Grizzled Veterans Podcast EP#21: Dawn of the Next Generation
Added: 22.11.2013 0:17 | 16 views | 0 comments
After the longest hiatus the show has ever had (seriously we need to stop doing that!) episode 21 is cut, edited and now printed for your pleasure.
We return our popular quick fire shotgun segment due to the sheer amount of content to cover in a respectable amount of time. From Beyond: Two Souls, Arkham Origins and Mirror of Fate HD, to the latest Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy and Bioshock DLC news. We also deviate, as per usual, into talks about the evolution of voice acting in games and whos doing it the best, why Star Trek and Mass Effect have richer sci-fi universes than Star Wars and various other things that I honestly have no clue we get into.
Finally the meat and potatoes of the show covers the PS4 and its impending launch. What were looking for, what games were getting, how Microsoft will respond and just where these consoles are going in the future! All that and the latest Grizzled Veterans podcast.
Tags: Mask, Star, Trek, Wake, Gear, Daly, When, Bioshock, Metal, Metal Gear, Fate, Mirror, Fantasy, Effect, Mass Effect, After, Microsoft, Star Wars, Final, Final Fantasy, Podcast, Star Trek, Arkham, Origins, Arkham Origins
| PlayDevil: Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Mirror Of Fate HD Review
Added: 21.11.2013 15:17 | 10 views | 0 comments
PlayDevil has reviewed Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD
Here is a snippet:
"The art style is interesting, the enemies relatively varied and the level design decent without wanting to sound clichéd, the actual game was somehow rather more than the very average sum of its parts. You also get a good amount of content for a £10 game, with three acts that will take a good 6-8 hours to go through first time, and then a boss mode to play through once youre done, and an unlockable hardcore difficulty."
| Castlevania: Mirror of Fate Soundtrack Review
Added: 20.11.2013 21:06 | 14 views | 0 comments
Considering that Castlevania: Mirror of Fate is a 3DS game, I didn't have that high of hopes for the soundtrack. I'm sure I would have known differently if I had played the game, but I haven't picked up a Castlevania game since Symphony of the Night, so this game didn't make a dent in my must-play radar. While the game still holds zero interest for me, I have been pleasantly surprised by the original score for Mirror of Fate.
| CGMagazine Reviews: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate HD
Added: 19.11.2013 20:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
If youve played the God of War: Origins collection on the PS3, then you know exactly what youre getting into here. This is an HD version of a game that originally debuted on a portable system, only this time, its making the jump from the 3DS to another family of consoles entirely. As you might expect, that means that theres a nice jump in the graphical quality, though nothing too impressive compared to the kind of games were seeing now on the 360 and PS3. There was also clearly not a lot of optimizing going on with this port as the frame rate occasionally dips and there are some significant loading times between levels. In many ways, the original 3DS version actually performs better at a technical level than the console version does, despite the increased horsepower.
| LeadExample: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate HD: Review
Added: 18.11.2013 12:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate has finally been released to consoles as a HD remastered version. It is actually a required piece of storyline to the Lords of Shadow trilogy, but is the game any good? Read this review to find out.
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