| The Monstrous Burden Of Moving When Youre Massive
Added: 17.06.2014 17:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
AWESOMEoutof10's Andy Moore has been thinking about weight. His weight. The weight of a monster. The weight of laden swallows. "As a concept, weight can be quite an odd mechanic to think about. Its not the most exciting aspect of a game, or even the real world for that matter. You arent going to lay up late at night wondering about if the character in the latest Infamous game is moving around way too quickly for his weight class. But when its deployed to serve a specific purpose, it can become a fantastic tool to convey to the player that their 20-foot-tall foe does truly have enough force behind its punch."
| E3 2014 - EA executive Peter Moore exclusive interview
Added: 15.06.2014 18:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
Peter Moore speaks about E3 2014 and future EA games like Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirror's Edge 2, Mass Effect, Sims and sport games.
| A Headline In Todays LA Times Reads Nintendos White PlayStation 4 Debuts
Added: 12.06.2014 18:13 | 4 views | 0 comments
EA Sports head Peter Moore has tweeted an image of an article in todays LA Times that reads, Nintendos White PlayStation 4 Debuts. Clearly someone at the LA Times isnt too clued up on the company that created PlayStation, but it certainly wasnt Nintendo.
| Titanfall best-selling Xbox One game, EA says
Added: 11.06.2014 19:42 | 4 views | 0 comments
Peter Moore says it's "attaching incredibly well". Titanfall is the best-selling game on Xbox One, according to EA chief operating officer Peter Moore.
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