Atelier Escha Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Review | GIZORAMA
Added: 06.03.2014 23:15 | 10 views | 0 comments
Mariah Beckman, GIZORAMA - "Dont ask me why, but RPGs generally turn me off. Not for any good reason, but rather for the logical inconsistencies. For example, I can understand why Kratos starts to tear asunder the gods of Mount Olympushe got seriously boned, and hes one mad mother f-er. (Plus, a guy who looks like Kratos is BOUND to make a career out of destroying thingshes not suited for more docile trade work.) But you expect me to believe that a lithe villager with a demure interest in martial arts would battle unimaginable monsters and become an unstoppable warrior, all to save the woman he loves? Also, its a stretch for me to swallow that a band of magicians would combine forces in order to battle another league of magical juggernauts, all to save their little plot of land or avenge their fallen brother. Statistically speaking, these victims of tragedy and injustice are more likely to take up drinking, remarry, or maybe relocate. I know its a silly thing to scrutinize,...
| Mount Your Friends - Random Encounter
Added: 06.03.2014 18:39 | 4 views | 0 comments
Erick and Max take Danny's place with a rousing game of Mount Your Friends!
| Mount Your Friends - Random Encounter
Added: 06.03.2014 18:39 | 4 views | 0 comments
Erick and Max take Danny's place with a rousing game of Mount Your Friends!
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