Space Odyssey - vol 4
Added: 08.02.2014 16:42 | 26 views | 0 comments
An animated slider game featuring the “Gripple” game mechanics. The playfield is arranged in a 4x4 square and the 2x2 sub-squares (either at corner or in the centre) can be rotated by mouse click. Move the tiles by mouse click to restore the original animation as fast as you can.
| Yumi#039;s Odd Odyssey Screens 6 February 2014
Added: 06.02.2014 21:12 | 5 views | 0 comments
The pics showing off some of the crazy boss battles
| Giant tadpoles and massive crabs - these are the odd bosses in Yumi's Odd Odyssey
Added: 06.02.2014 19:39 | 3 views | 0 comments
It's been a long time since we've heard anything from Natsume about the upcoming 3DS platformer Yumi's Odd Odyssey.
If the name isn't ringing a bell, that's because it was originally released in Japan as Farewell Umihara Kawase - a light-hearted, coming of age tale of a gal and her magical fishhook that lets her swing through levels of murderous, mutated fish.
Well now, Natsume's dropped us ...
| Yumi's Odd Odyssey Coming to 3DS eShop Later This Month
Added: 06.02.2014 18:55 | 8 views | 0 comments
Natsume will finally deliver the long-desired Japanese import soon.
| Pigsy's Perfect 10 Let's Play
Added: 05.02.2014 8:16 | 2 views | 0 comments
Adam from NoobFeed writes - I finished Enslaved: Odyssey to the West but another piece of content still exist within this amazing game, the DLC campaign Pigsy's Perfect 10. In this campaign we take control of Pigsy as he attempts to build the perfect companion to combat his depressing loneliness.
| Let's Play Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Added: 02.02.2014 2:20 | 2 views | 0 comments
Adam from NoobFeed says - After completing my Halo 4 Let's Play I decided to replay another classic game that didn't get the recognition, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Developed by Ninja Theory and set in post-apocalyptic America Enslaved has you in control of Monkey, a nomadic warrior who has been enslaved by a young girl named Trip. In exchange for his freedom Monkey must protect Trip as they journey to her settlement, if she dies the slave headband will deliver a lethal shock to Monkey and kill him.
| Diehard GameFAN: 10 Thoughts on the Toukiden: the Age of Demons Demo
Added: 29.01.2014 6:16 | 12 views | 0 comments
DHGF: While Monster Hunter is probably one of the hottest things going in Japan, theres been a general dearth of games that have attempted to put their own spin on the hunt giant monsters concept, both in Japan and the US, until fairly recently. While there have been games that borrowed certain elements from the Monster Hunter franchise, like Dragons Dogma and Gods Eater Burst, releases have been slightly sparse up until about two years ago. The Playstation Vita, oddly enough, seems to have sparked an advanced interest in the genre, as while Capcom has migrated to the 3DS for its Monster Hunter releases, other developers are attempting to make the Vita into a haven for giant monster hunting gameplay. With games like Ragnarok Odyssey and its upcoming update, Ace, God Eater 2, and Toukiden: the Age of Demons either already available or coming out soon, theres never been a better time to invest in the Vita if youre a fan of giant monsters and the hunting thereof.
Tags: Gods, Capcom, Vita, With, Japan, While, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Playstation, Odyssey, Dragons, Dogma
| Diehard GameFAN: 10 Thoughts on the Toukiden: the Age of Demons Demo
Added: 29.01.2014 5:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
DHGF: While Monster Hunter is probably one of the hottest things going in Japan, theres been a general dearth of games that have attempted to put their own spin on the hunt giant monsters concept, both in Japan and the US, until fairly recently. While there have been games that borrowed certain elements from the Monster Hunter franchise, like Dragons Dogma and Gods Eater Burst, releases have been slightly sparse up until about two years ago. The Playstation Vita, oddly enough, seems to have sparked an advanced interest in the genre, as while Capcom has migrated to the 3DS for its Monster Hunter releases, other developers are attempting to make the Vita into a haven for giant monster hunting gameplay. With games like Ragnarok Odyssey and its upcoming update, Ace, God Eater 2, and Toukiden: the Age of Demons either already available or coming out soon, theres never been a better time to invest in the Vita if youre a fan of giant monsters and the hunting thereof.
Tags: Gods, Capcom, Vita, With, Japan, While, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Playstation, Odyssey, Dragons, Dogma
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