Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Has A Nod To Bruce Lee
Added: 30.11.2013 3:17 | 25 views | 0 comments
Game Arts added new costumes for Ragnarok Odyssey Ace like the track suit which looks straight out of the Bruce Lee film Game of Death.
| Review: Ohno Odyssey (Pure Nintendo)
Added: 21.11.2013 16:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Pure Nintendo: "If I had to come up with one word to sum up Ohno Odyssey, Id say its pleasant. It isnt the longest game, but whats there is great fun, making this a title that deserves to find success on the eShop. I could probably mention where the game could use a nip here or a tuck there if I tried, but theres really nothing too serious. The fun easily outweighs any shortcomings the game has. I really hope to see more of the Ohnos in the future! A sequel with more content, even more replay value, and a rousing musical score could become a classic."
| Review: Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan | oprainfall
Added: 15.11.2013 7:17 | 11 views | 0 comments
oprainfall writes:
"Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is the fourth game in Atlus dungeon-crawling series for Nintendo handhelds. I played and loved the first game, and then skipped straight to the latest instalment for a review when it released here. I was eager to get my hands on it, and now that Ive finished, read on to hear about just how much it did (or didnt) meet my expectations!"
| King's League: Odyssey Review (iPhone, iPad)
Added: 14.11.2013 20:00 | 11 views | 0 comments
Gamezebo Rating:
The King has put forth the call for the mightiest in the realm to contest for a spot at the Round Table! The path will be difficult, but fame and glory awaits the one bold and powerful enough to seize the opportunity. From humble beginnings, you must rise through the tournaments, forge your legend across the land, and lead your party to victory in a game that's both simple to play and surprisingly complex. King's League: Odyssey is quite the thing. It starts off simply enough, with hazy shades of something from Kairosoft, requiring you to recruit a small band of knights, mages, and archers, who sally forth to complete quests, conquer villages, and take part in monthly tournaments. But before long you'll find yourself clearing out dungeons, laying siege to larger, tougher cities, upgrading your facilities, specializing your troops, and more; and yet it happens so gradually and it's all so easily accessible that you won't even notice it happening until the first time you get clobbered and realize that you need to actually think about what you're doing.
| New iOS Games Tonight: Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas, King's League: Odyssey and more! (iPad)
Added: 13.11.2013 21:00 | 6 views | 0 comments
Don't you just hate it when there are so many amazing new iOS games coming to the App Store all on the very same night that you can't possibly decide which one that you're going to play first? Sure, you can certainly download them all at the very same time, but you'll still be forced to choose one and only one to start with (unless of course you find some way to play three different iPads all at once, which in that case, the more power to you!). Well this always difficult decision couldn't apply more to tonight's amazing batch of brand new mobile games: from a magical adventure that rivals even Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda console games, to a highly-refined monster collecting RPG, to a mobile port of one of the most popular strategy Flash games that we've seen in recent years. There's no doubt that you'll want to be buying them all, but which one of these games will you be booting up first tonight? Be sure to let us know in the replies! |
| (WGB) Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition - Review
Added: 11.11.2013 21:24 | 3 views | 0 comments
Baden of WGB writes: "Released back in 2010 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West remains one of my favorite games, and it is my firm belief that it was hugely overlooked by players everywhere, despite a positive critical reception and managing to impress people who bothered to play it, selling only 460,000 copies by November of 2010. Skip forward to 2013 and somebody in Namco Bandai pulled the PC-port lever, creating the Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition, containing all of the DLC released for the game and upgraded graphics. More importantly it lets me wax lyrical about a game which holds a special place in my heart."
| Sony Localizing Akibas Trip 2 In Chinese And Korean
Added: 11.11.2013 13:21 | 5 views | 0 comments
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has been actively localizing RPGs ilike taking care of Demons Souls before Atlus picked it up and releasing Ragnarok Odyssey Ace in English first.
| Game Under Podcast Episode 29
Added: 11.11.2013 13:17 | 17 views | 0 comments
In Episode 29 of the Game Under Podcast, Phil Fogg gives his impressions on Driver: San Francisco and Retro City Rampage while Tom Towers offers his own for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: Premium Edition, Journey of a Roach and WWE 2k14. The upcoming release of the Xbox One and PS4 also make it in. Tom Towers closes the show out with a review of Pigsy's Perfect 10, and opens it with an inappropriate discussion about Buddhists.
Tags: City, Gain, Xbox, Food, Rampage, San Francisco, Francisco, Episode, Odyssey, Retro, Podcast, Xbox One
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