Wednesday, 12 March 2025
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Destiny Story Explained: Eris and Crota

Added: 06.02.2015 14:12 | 3 views | 0 comments

This Destiny Lore video primarily covers Crota, Son of Oryx and this prince of the Hives assault on the Ocean of Storms Moon colony which led to the annex of the moon by the Hive from the Guardians of Earth. Later, the video covers the inner workings of the Hive as well as Eris Morn, Toland The Shattered and Eriana-3 as they attempted to enter the Hive stronghold of the Hellmouth to vanquish Crota, The Light Eater.


New ESO Armor: No More Orc Boob Windows

Added: 31.01.2015 20:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

Skyrim Fansite writes: "Screenshots of the new ESO armor for Orcs and Redguard. The Elder Scrolls Online Update 6 is fast approaching, and subscribers are already getting a taste of the new changes on the Play Test Server (PST). One player by the name of Mettaricana recently posted screenshots of the new ESO armor for Orcs and Redguards on the official forums in this thread. Ive re-posted Mettaricanas pics below, and I have to say that Im real excited about the new looks. Reading through the posts, it seems that other players are as well."


Ori and The Blind Forest Will Bend Your Brainor Break it

Added: 21.01.2015 3:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

Little time remains between now and the March 11th release of Moon Studios platformer, Ori and the Blind Forest. But even after Microsoft allowed the press to explore a new area last week, much of its details are still shrouded in mystery. Information on the story is still particularly thin; basic questions still linger about Oris identity, the history of the forest hes exploring, and why his fate is intertwined with it.


Dungeon Defenders II - PC Preview | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 15.12.2014 19:11 | 7 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: The first Dungeon Defenders was a game that caught me by surprise when it released. It reminded me of the Orcs Must Die! games with a spectacular blend of strategy and action. It was fresh and exciting and I spent more hours playing it than I even care to admit. Which made the Dungeon Defenders Eternity release last year so disappointing for a lot of gamers, including one of our reviewers. The good news is, the early returns on Dungeon Defenders II are quite positive, which is currently in Early Access


Dungeon Defenders II Seeks Success in Starved Tower Defense Market | Hardcore Gamer

Added: 12.12.2014 21:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

With Orcs Must Die going the MOBA route and Plants vs. Zombies 2 staying only on mobile for the forseeable future (and perhaps forever), this generation of games lacks a marquee tower defense title. The long-awaited sequel to Dungeon Defenders just might do the trick, if only barely.


Mordheim: City of the Damned Early Access Preview | Power Up Gaming

Added: 12.12.2014 21:11 | 5 views | 0 comments

Jake Richards writes: "I'm going to be honest with you I'm not all that familiar with Warhammer. I know there are giant buff humanoids and Orks that like fighting in oiled up suits of armor, and that is where the sum of my knowledge ends. But I figure, hey, here's an opportunity to familiarize myself with the series and cover a new Early Access title on Steam. Mordheim: City of the Damned is bare bones at the moment, and for 32 USD that might be too steep but for the most rabid of Warhammer fans. What is there and what's to come, however, is very promising indeed."


Dungeon Defenders II Preview - Pixel Related

Added: 09.12.2014 21:11 | 56 views | 0 comments

Patrick Cassin writes: "Its been quite awhile since I played the original Dungeon Defenders which, honestly, left a sour taste in my mouth. Though Im a fan of the tower defense genre, I cant say that my enjoyment extends to those titles where Im actively participating in shooting at creeps or bad guys. Games like Sanctum and Orcs Must Die! just never struck a chord with me. Imagine my surprise then when I picked up Dungeon Defenders II and instantly enjoyed it."


Orcs Must Die! Unchained PS4 Announcement Trailer (HD)

Added: 07.12.2014 8:22 | 14 views | 0 comments

ORCS MUST DIE! UNCHAINED is set in the familiar world of its humorous fantasy predecessors, years after the finale of Orcs Must Die! 2. With the discovery of dozens of new rifts and magical worlds beyond them, heroes have come from far and wide to wage all-out war for control of these valuable gateways. In the years since Orcs Must Die! 2, the War Mage and Sorceress have rebuilt the once-mighty Order. Their new enemy, the Unchained, is not the mindless horde defeated twice before, but instead an organized army led by powerful heroes.


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