Is Remaking Final Fantasy 7 a Good Idea? - The Lobby
Added: 08.07.2015 0:29 | 8 views | 0 comments
Fans have been demanding an HD re-release of Final Fantasy 7 for years, but do they want their beloved game re-written and re-imagined? We ask Peter and Jeremy.
| Is Remaking Final Fantasy 7 a Good Idea? - The Lobby
Added: 08.07.2015 0:29 | 5 views | 0 comments
Fans have been demanding an HD re-release of Final Fantasy 7 for years, but do they want their beloved game re-written and re-imagined? We ask Peter and Jeremy.
| Is Remaking Final Fantasy 7 a Good Idea? - The Lobby
Added: 08.07.2015 0:29 | 5 views | 0 comments
Fans have been demanding an HD re-release of Final Fantasy 7 for years, but do they want their beloved game re-written and re-imagined? We ask Peter and Jeremy.
| Telltale Games Bringing The Walking Dead Live on Stage at Comic-Con
Added: 07.07.2015 20:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

Telltale Games will be partnering with Skybound to bring a special live performance of The Walking Dead: Season One at San Diego Comic-Con 2015.
Multiple cast members from the game will act out their roles on stage at Petco Park live on Saturday, July 11 at 8pm (all times PST) in Petco Park. The cast includes Dave Fennoy as Lee, Melissa Hutchison as Clementine, Nicole Vigil as Carley, Gavin Hammon as Kenny, Nicki Rapp as Lilly, and Adam Harrington who will be performing both Andy St. John and Larry.
Tags: Dead, Paul, Games, Daly, Walking, Walking Dead, The Walking, Jump, Live, Staff, John, Rage, Adds, Peter, Telltale
| Peter Capaldi Joins Cast of LEGO Dimensions
Added: 07.07.2015 13:19 | 11 views | 0 comments
Hardcore Gamer: The Doctor himself is going to reprise his role for Travellers Tales upcoming epic cross-title video game. You might be asking, who is The Doctor? And thats exactly who he is.
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