Warframe Heads Into Den of Kubrow Bonus Week
Added: 22.05.2015 11:16 | 14 views | 0 comments
Celebration of Kubrow Companions Includes Special Items, Tactical Alert, High Demand Weapon, Contests, BOGO, Platinum Sales, More
| Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Journeys to PS4 Today
Added: 12.05.2015 14:30 | 71 views | 0 comments
We all have a game or two we can always go back to. No matter how many times we’ve beaten it, done all the sidequests, or maybe even gotten that Platinum trophy, there’s just something satisfying about a world, a character, a battle, or something you can’t quite put your finger on that keeps you coming back. For me, and for many, Final Fantasy X is one of those games. It’s a game we call home.
| How Bloodborne Became the First Souls Game to Get Me Hooked
Added: 02.05.2015 4:17 | 19 views | 0 comments
After failing to get my head around the first two Souls game, I thought that type of game was just not for me. So why did I end up with a Platinum trophy in Bloodborne? What does this game do differently to open up Souls to a whole new audience? Read on to find out.
| We Are Doomed Trophy List Revealed
Added: 15.04.2015 11:21 | 19 views | 0 comments
The trophy list for the upcoming twin-stick-shooter, We Are Doomed, has been outed. The list contains a total of twelve trophies, none of which are a coveted Platinum Trophy, however trophy hunters we be able to collect 1 Gold, 4 Silver and 7 Bronze trophies.
| PlayStation Challenge - The Dishonored Platinum Attack!
Added: 11.04.2015 2:18 | 20 views | 0 comments
As part of this months PlayStation Plus, PlayStation are giving gamers the opportunity to compete, and attain the Dishonored Platinum trophy for the PlayStation 3.
Players will be ranked fastest to slowest in a leaderboard, which ends on the 30th April.
| PlayStation Challenge - The Dishonored Platinum Attack!
Added: 10.04.2015 21:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
As part of this months PlayStation Plus, PlayStation are giving gamers the opportunity to compete, and attain the Dishonored Platinum trophy for the PlayStation 3.
Players will be ranked fastest to slowest in a leaderboard, which ends on the 30th April.
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