Sunday, 09 March 2025
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Shiftlings BTS Video (HD)

Added: 28.02.2015 8:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

The galaxy’s biggest no-brainer! Pre-purchase your copy of #Shiftlings for Steam now: Pre-purchase for Xbox One here: Control two adorably dim-witted alien space janitors on their quirky quest to repair the galaxy! Strategic Single Player Co-op Missions: Play on your own, challenge a friend locally or across the galaxy (online). Over 50 Dynamic Interplanetary Puzzles: 5 themed planets with over 10 levels each which increases in difficulty as players advance. Cosmic Challenges of Size Space: Shift weight between the custodian cosmonauts quickly to avoid traps. High Re-playability: Blast back to the beginning to discover new hidden collectibles to unlock more secrets to the universe.


Evolve Drops Out Of Steam’s Top 40 Most Played – Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?

Added: 28.02.2015 4:43 | 9 views | 0 comments

Evolve has been out for less than a month, and it's current performance on Steam is rather damning. Given the game's focus on multiplayer, Evolve currently finds it's self 41st on Steam's most played, as of 26/0/2015. While it's not the be all, end all, it's still a worrying fact given the games reliance on it's player base. ( Evolve , [...] Via Evolve Drops Out Of Steam’s Top 40 Most Played – Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?


Evolve Drops Out Of Steams Top 40 Most Played Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?

Added: 27.02.2015 2:09 | 0 views | 0 comments

Evolve has been out for less than a month, and its current performance on Steam is rather damning. Given the games focus on multiplayer, Evolve currently finds its self 41st on Steams most played, as of 26/0/2015. While its not the be all, end all, its still a worrying fact given the games reliance on its player base.


World of Warplanes New Player Comparison Feature Added

Added: 26.02.2015 17:10 | 3 views | 0 comments

World of Warplanes have a new feature to enhance your gaming experience even further as they announce their option to make comparing players even easier.

Tags: World, Played

Just Played - Kingdom Hearts 2

Added: 25.02.2015 15:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

As Huber inches closer to catching up in the franchise, he sits down with Brad to discuss this fan favorite entry.


See What Fallout New Vegas Looks Like Played On A Really Old Tv

Added: 24.02.2015 1:10 | 0 views | 0 comments

Most people might turn their nose up at the idea of playing a modern games console on such an old TV. After seeing how weirdly perfect Fallout: New Vegas looks when it is played on an old TV, it might make you change your mind.


Just Played GT High School, Part 4

Added: 22.02.2015 5:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

In the final installment of our series, students from Grand Terrace High School in Southern California share their experiences and future goals with games.


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