Shiftlings BTS Video (HD)
Added: 28.02.2015 8:17 | 10 views | 0 comments
The galaxys biggest no-brainer!
Pre-purchase your copy of #Shiftlings for Steam now:
Pre-purchase for Xbox One here:
Control two adorably dim-witted alien space janitors on their quirky quest to repair the galaxy!
Strategic Single Player Co-op Missions: Play on your own, challenge a friend locally or across the galaxy (online).
Over 50 Dynamic Interplanetary Puzzles: 5 themed planets with over 10 levels each which increases in difficulty as players advance.
Cosmic Challenges of Size Space: Shift weight between the custodian cosmonauts quickly to avoid traps.
High Re-playability: Blast back to the beginning to discover new hidden collectibles to unlock more secrets to the universe.
| Evolve Drops Out Of Steam’s Top 40 Most Played – Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?
Added: 28.02.2015 4:43 | 9 views | 0 comments
Evolve has been out for less than a month, and it's current performance on Steam is rather damning. Given the game's focus on multiplayer, Evolve currently finds it's self 41st on Steam's most played, as of 26/0/2015. While it's not the be all, end all, it's still a worrying fact given the games reliance on it's player base. ( Evolve , [...] Via Evolve Drops Out Of Steam’s Top 40 Most Played – Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?
| Evolve Drops Out Of Steams Top 40 Most Played Backlash Towards DLC To Blame?
Added: 27.02.2015 2:09 | 0 views | 0 comments
Evolve has been out for less than a month, and its current performance on Steam is rather damning. Given the games focus on multiplayer, Evolve currently finds its self 41st on Steams most played, as of 26/0/2015.
While its not the be all, end all, its still a worrying fact given the games reliance on its player base.
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Added: 26.02.2015 17:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
World of Warplanes have a new feature to enhance your gaming experience even further as they announce their option to make comparing players even easier.
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| See What Fallout New Vegas Looks Like Played On A Really Old Tv
Added: 24.02.2015 1:10 | 0 views | 0 comments
Most people might turn their nose up at the idea of playing a modern games console on such an old TV. After seeing how weirdly perfect Fallout: New Vegas looks when it is played on an old TV, it might make you change your mind.
| Just Played GT High School, Part 4
Added: 22.02.2015 5:00 | 14 views | 0 comments
In the final installment of our series, students from Grand Terrace High School in Southern California share their experiences and future goals with games.
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