Sunday, 09 March 2025
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CCP To Improve The EVE Online New Player Experiance

Added: 20.02.2015 9:10 | 11 views | 0 comments

"CCP Rise here for EVEs Team Pirate Unicorns to give you a heads up about some changes to the new player experience (NPE for short) that are about to sneak their way onto Tranquility."


Video: Kriby's Adventure Wii - Played on Wii U GamePad

Added: 20.02.2015 9:10 | 4 views | 0 comments

The guys over at Gaming Boulevard made a video of Kriby's Adventure Wii for Wii U and played it using the GamePad.


7 Million People Played the Battlefield Hardline Beta

Added: 18.02.2015 18:13 | 1 views | 0 comments

Any guesses on whether cops or robbers were more victorious?


Destiny Player Beats Crota's End Hard Mode By Himself

Added: 18.02.2015 14:25 | 10 views | 0 comments

If you thought that Crota's End was tough with a group of friends, and you thought it was only barely beatable on Hard Mode with a few skilled players, imagine when one player uploaded a video of him playing through Crota's End all by his lonesome and in less than 30 minutes.


Destiny Player Complete's Crota's End Raid on Hard Mode Solo

Added: 18.02.2015 10:10 | 16 views | 0 comments

Destiny seems to be a game where players constantly try to one-up themselves. They take Bungies formula, how they made the game, and twist it, turn it on its head, to complete actions that no one would think of doing, such as taking a Sparrow all the way through the Vault of Glass. Now, it seems, a player has managed to solo the incredibly difficult Crotas End Raid on Hard Mode, no less.


Hand of Fate is the Most Interesting Game weve Played in Ages

Added: 17.02.2015 22:10 | 9 views | 0 comments

Adam Cook: " Its a little bit tough to explain in a succinct way (hence the forthcoming review), but in this video Stubbsy tries to do exactly that, over some footage of me playing the an early level, on PC in 1080p/60fps."


Destiny Player Finds Auto Rifle That Does 365 Damage

Added: 17.02.2015 7:10 | 4 views | 0 comments

Destiny, although a very polished game on Bungies part, is well-known for its glitches, be they cheese methods in Raids or hiding places in Strikes. Emerging today, however, is a peculiar sight a Legendary Auto Rifle that does a maximum of 365 damage; which is 34 more than the current damage cap.


Destiny Player Rides Sparrow all the way Through the Vault of Glass

Added: 17.02.2015 6:10 | 5 views | 0 comments

Since its launch, not quite to Bungies design, Destiny has become a game where the players find their own ways to challenge themselves; such as the ever-popular Hellmouth jump, or the solo Raids. Now, it seems one group has gone a step further by having one member of their Raid team ride all the way through the Vault of Glass in a Sparrow.


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