Adobe Flash Player
Added: 12.07.2015 23:38 | 10 views | 0 comments
A high performance client runtime which makes it possible for you to enjoy all kinds of media
| Never Played Shenmue? Watch Us Play The First Hour
Added: 12.07.2015 23:15 | 4 views | 0 comments
GI writes: "With Shenmue 3's Kickstarter officially funded, numerous people in Game Informer's community sent in requests for complete Super Replay playthroughs of the first two games in the Shenmue series. Several Game Informer staffers also expressed interest in either revisiting this series or seeing it for the first time. Since we already have numerous Super Replay projects in the works, yet wanted to get a Shenmue playthrough going now, we decided to record it as a crowd-driven experiment of sorts."
| Introverts Rejoice, Chaos Reborn Single Player Released
Added: 11.07.2015 22:15 | 16 views | 0 comments
Greg Micek writes: "Its with a great sigh of relief that I bring you news of a significant update to Julian Gallops Chaos Reborn. Up until now this successor to the 80s combat classic was a multiplayer affair, complete with meat bag controlled wizards duking it out across beautifully rendered hexagonal worlds. However, starting now players can turn out the lights, unplug the phone, and mark themselves Busy on Skype because the single player aspect of Chaos Reborn has been released."
| Waiting 4 Player 2 Episode 7: Congrats to PewDieDie
Added: 11.07.2015 19:16 | 12 views | 0 comments
Waiting4Player2 is the new podcast where your comments shape the show. Instead of just listening to their dumb faces, your comments and reactions are the conversation. The best part about being apart of the show is you can win some cool prizes. Each week, the user who has comment of the show will get something good (or ridiculous) to add to their gaming collection.
Its the first episode atfer E3 2015, that means its time to talk about all the big players and games like Ghost Recon, South Park, Recore, Doom and Fallout 4.
| Xbox One's Rare Collection Fixes Battletoads' Infamous Two-Player Glitch
Added: 11.07.2015 12:21 | 7 views | 0 comments
Developer Rare is planning to fix , which was officially announced at E3 2015 last month.
| Xbox One's Rare Collection Fixes Battletoads' Infamous Two-Player Glitch
Added: 11.07.2015 12:21 | 15 views | 0 comments
Developer Rare is planning to fix , which was officially announced at E3 2015 last month.
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