Nintendo and Rare Fantasy amiibo Youll Never See
Added: 07.08.2015 5:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
Today marks the release of Rare Replay for Xbox One, the affordably priced compilation featuring 30 of the studios video games, including Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Banjo-Kazooie and of course, Battletoads. Playing NES games like Cobra Triangle on a Microsoft console is somewhat trippy, but overall, retro fans will spend hours unlocking stamps and reliving their childhoods. Time well spent!
| Why You Won't Be Playing Competitive Call of Duty On Xbox One
Added: 06.08.2015 22:35 | 10 views | 0 comments
 Some major changes are hitting the e-sports scene when it comes to Call of Duty. Some of you may have known about Activision joining forces with Sony when it comes to releasing DLC early on the PS4, but this partnership extends beyond just DLC.
| Strength of the Sword: ULTIMATE gamescom 2015 Trailer
Added: 06.08.2015 21:47 | 21 views | 0 comments
Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE is a charming yet brutal 3D fighter/brawler. Brimming with old school attitude, Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE is the kind of game you BEAT instead of finish. Playing as the awesome War Golem who is magically powered by awesomeness and destruction, you will engage in tactical and skill based combat as Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE pits you against multiple deadly enemies at once and includes epic boss battles!
Team17, founded in 1990, are a fully independent video game developer and publisher responsible for the Worms series, Alien Breed and Superfrog.
| You Could Win $1 Million For Playing At The Halo World Championship Series
Added: 05.08.2015 13:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
 More companies are starting to take part in e-sports since it's become a multi-million dollar industry all its own. Microsoft is attempting to revitalize the e-sports scene for Halo by reinvigorating it with a $1 million world championship tournament this winter.
| PS Nation Podcast-Ep434-Purple Flappy Spaceman
Added: 05.08.2015 7:19 | 14 views | 0 comments
New Releases
Interview with Benjamin Rivers for 'Alone With You'
August 2015 PlayStation Plus update
Driveclub sales exceed 2 Million
Amplitude delayed until the end of 2015
Dragon Quest XI announced
What Were Playing and Watching
Impressions: GALAK-Z
Review: Never Alone: Foxtales DLC
Comedy clip is from Duane Gay
| Goodbye Dinklebot: Destiny Recasts Its Most Important Character With Nolan North
Added: 04.08.2015 18:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
We recently visited Bungie for an in-depth look at Destiny: The Taken King, coming away with all sorts of details about the upcoming release. One of the most surprising changes is coming to what is arguably Destinys most central-voiced character: the Ghost. The tiny floating robotic being is the de facto narrator throughout the base game, and he assumes an even more important role in The Taken King. Playing that role moving forward is Nolan North, replacing Peter Dinklage in the name of a unified character voice throughout the entire game.
| Naomi Hurts Her Ankle Playing Five Nights at Freddy's 4: IGN Plays
Added: 04.08.2015 18:05 | 6 views | 0 comments
Naomi dives back into the latest installment in the FNAF series and get's so scared by Freddy and friends that she hurts herself.
| Nintendo Treehouse Staffer Talks Localisation, Voice Acting And Playing Non-Nintendo Games For Research
Added: 04.08.2015 9:15 | 6 views | 0 comments

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