23% of Kids Think Playing Video Games Is Exercise, New Study Finds
Added: 23.06.2015 18:01 | 19 views | 0 comments
Playing games is fun, relaxing, and it can even be educational--but it's usually not exercise. In a new study, almost a quarter of children polled believe otherwise. The recently published , games that actually do get players active. Did you ever consider gaming to be a physical activity when you were a kid? Let us know in the comments.
| 23% of Kids Think Playing Video Games Is Exercise, New Study Finds
Added: 23.06.2015 18:01 | 4 views | 0 comments
Playing games is fun, relaxing, and it can even be educational--but it's usually not exercise. In a new study, almost a quarter of children polled believe otherwise. The recently published , games that actually do get players active. Did you ever consider gaming to be a physical activity when you were a kid? Let us know in the comments.
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