Review: Victor Vran (DarkZero)
Added: 23.08.2015 15:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
Dominic Sheard: "Playing action RPGs is a good way for me to relax and explore dungeons, smash enemies and gain powerful loot. I have been doing this with Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - my default option of choice when needing to kill things. Occasionally a new game in the genre will release to pull me away from the depths of High Heavens to check it out, which is the case with the new kid on the block, Victor Vran, a title that had completely gone over my head until it was properly released on Steam (it was in Early Access for around six months). Victor Vran is by Bulgarian developers, Haemimont Games, a company more known for their recent Tropico games rather than action RPGs. While their jump into this genre isn't without issues, the developers have placed interesting mechanics into the game to give Victor Vran just enough to distinct itself from other games in the genre."
| Playing Roles- On Tactical-RPGs
Added: 22.08.2015 7:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
This episode of Playing Roles takes a look at the origins and design of tactical-RPGs, and how a niche sub-genre in role-playing games is slowly growing in the modern day.
| Batman: Arkham Knight PC gets another apology and no patch
Added: 21.08.2015 8:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
MWEB GameZone writes: "The way Warner Bros. is handling the PC debacle could damaged their reputation irreparably. It reeks of disrespect for their customers.
Playing a broken game, for two months. Paid for a season pass that you cannot play.
Just gonna leave this here; EA lost a law suit against Australian customers over releasing a broken game."
| Playing Pixelated Horde Mode in Curses 'N Chaos
Added: 20.08.2015 19:05 | 13 views | 0 comments
Daemon and Marty check out this new 2D arena brawler with a retro look.
| 5 MMORPGs Worth Playing Just for the Story
Added: 20.08.2015 14:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
Counting down the 5 best MMORPGs which are worth playing for the story alone.
| Playing Goat Simulator on PS4 with Mutators - Up at Noon
Added: 20.08.2015 3:47 | 8 views | 0 comments
Max Brian go a little crazy with the insane Mutators in their Lets Play of Goat Simulator on PS4.
| Why Banjo-Kazooie is better than Super Mario 64
Added: 19.08.2015 15:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
It's time for a controversial opinion! I've been playing Banjo-Kazooie again, thanks to the recent Rare Replay. I've always loved the game, but I was struck on this playthrough just how well-designed and memorable the game is, from top to bottom.
Playing so much Banjo-Kazooie led me to start playing Super Mario 64 again. And while Mario 64 is clearly the more important game to gaming history it's the first truly great 3D platformer the developers at Rare took that structure and improved upon it for their game (which came out a little less than two years later).
| Englishness
Added: 19.08.2015 6:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
"Playing The Chinese Rooms new game, Everybodys Gone To The Rapture, what strikes me almost immediately is not the mystery, the science fiction trappings or even the extreme prettiness. Its that Im in England. A very particular England."
| Top 5 Minecraft: Pocket Edition Seeds
Added: 19.08.2015 1:18 | 27 views | 0 comments
Playing the Minecraft: Pocket Edition and looking for a specific kind of world? Well look no further, here's the top 5 best seeds around.
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