Incoming: The most exciting Vita games for March 2015
Added: 03.03.2015 20:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: Now that we're finally split off from 3DS for these monthly round-ups we have more breathing room to show you the breadth of fun and sheer zaniness the PS Vita has to offer.
Pocket Gamer: BlastBall Max Review
Added: 03.03.2015 20:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: BlastBall MAX is a match-stuff puzzler with enough of a twist to make it interesting. It takes bits of Connect Four and Threes! to create something that feels pretty fresh.
All Star Legion is the world's first 3D action card-battler, out now on iOS
Added: 02.03.2015 18:09 | 4 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: If you own a tablet, chances are you've played a card battler or a 3D action-RPG - the app stores are full of them.
Simogo is returning to the world of The Sailor's Dream for a four-part 'podcast mystery'
Added: 01.03.2015 21:09 | 4 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: If you enjoyed your relaxing row across the seas of The Sailor's Dream, here's some good news. The studio behind it, Simogo, has announced a four-part "podcast mystery" set inside the same world.
Tired of waiting for a hero, the princess in Dragon Hills hops on a dragon to get revenge
Added: 01.03.2015 15:10 | 2 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: Princesses are tired of waiting for heroes to come and save them. Well, the one who stars in Dragon Hills is, at least.
Pocket Gamer: Prison Life RPG Review
Added: 01.03.2015 0:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: Prison Life RPG is surprisingly deep. It simulates a jail with dozens of unique inmates, and let's you run proceed however you like.
Pocket Gamer: Titan Attacks Review
Added: 28.02.2015 23:09 | 8 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: Titan Attacks! has a bit of a problem in the naming department. While something like Shadow of the Colossus lives up to its name by having you literally overshadowed by colossi, only a small portion of Titan Attacks! is given over to actually, y'know, attacking titans.
New iOS version of classic RPG NetHack gets it working on iOS 7, and beyond
Added: 28.02.2015 23:09 | 5 views | 0 comments
Pocket Gamer: Future Shock Software has released iNethack2 today after pulling iNethack from the App Store.