Friday, 28 February 2025
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Need for Speed Rivals video details Speed Points Abilities

Added: 14.09.2013 17:30 | 19 views | 0 comments

In pursuit of happiness, or at least a faster car.
EA and Ghost Games have released an interview from Gamescom last month via the EA News website that features producer Leanne Loombe talking about the various game mechanics in the latest Need for Speed: Rivals, coming later this year.


Contra III: The Alien Wars Listing Points to Virtual Console Releases

Added: 13.09.2013 12:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Article: Contra III: The Alien Wars Listing Points to Virtual Console Releases

Spread Guns at the Ready


Microsoft revamps Xbox Rewards programme

Added: 06.09.2013 10:27 | 74 views | 0 comments

Earn credits for using Xbox Live, which are then turned into cash.
Microsoft has revamped its Xbox Rewards scheme following the phasing out of Microsoft Points in favour of local currency.


News: Xbox One production issue rumours are false, says Microsoft

Added: 04.09.2013 9:52 | 12 views | 0 comments

Points to production being in full swing with higher specs than earlier revealed.

"Can I PLEASE finally get you over this 'we're having production issues"' thing that's going around?" wrote Penello.

He added: "We increased the GPU 6%. We increased the CPU almost 10%. We have been showing retail boxes. We are now in full production.

"If at this point these facts don't outweigh random rumours... "

Yesterday Major Nelson took to Reddit to deny the suggestion that the Xbox One development had been rushed.

"The Xbox One program has been in development for years, so calling it 'Rushed' is incorrect," wrote the Major. "Did we have a...


All Points Bulletin Reloaded

Added: 03.09.2013 12:05 | 11 views | 0 comments

Choose your side and start fighting in a city filled with crime!

Tags: Points

Diablo 3 Console has More Achievements and Trophies than Blizzard were Allowed - AusGamers

Added: 03.09.2013 6:22 | 4 views | 0 comments

In an interview with AusGamers, Diablo III game director Josh Mosqueira and senior level designer for the console version, Matt Burger, revealed that D3 on console actually has more Achievements and Trophies in the game than either Microsoft or Sony allow. "We have a lot more Achievements in our game than were allowed to put Gamer Points on, or Trophies," revealed Burger. "So we have the ones weve attached Points and Trophies to, but all the other ones are still present on the console, you just dont get a Trophy for them, but you can still chase all the Achievements that we have on PC." The full interview also touches on changing current-gen console profiles to the next-gen version of the game, plans for next-gen and more.


Leaked Zelda: Wind Waker HD Trailer Points to Special Edition GamePad

Added: 31.08.2013 18:19 | 6 views | 0 comments

A recent Gamescom trailer for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD shows a Hero Mode, which is for the player looking for more challenge from the game. This is cool, but what you will also notice is what looks to be a special edition Zelda-themed GamePad at the end of the video. This [...]


Xbox Live Rewards programme relaunched, detailed

Added: 31.08.2013 18:18 | 60 views | 0 comments

OXM UK: "Loyalty scheme replaces Microsoft Points for Reward Credits."


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