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Microsoft retiring PC Marketplace on August 22

Added: 16.08.2013 10:20 | 24 views | 0 comments

Microsoft says that the Games for Windows Live service will continue to operate after August 22, despite closing the PC Marketplace.

Microsoft is closing the PC Marketplace on August 22, the company has said, alongside the Xbox 360 update that will retire Microsoft Points in favour of local currency purchases.

"As part of the recent Xbox 360 system update, Microsoft Points will be retired and the PC Marketplace will be closed as of August 22, 2013," says Microsoft on its support site.

The Games for Windows Live service will continue to operate, the company adds, and customers who have purchased content already through the service will still be able to redownload it through the Games for Windows Live client.

"We encourage you to spend your Microsoft Points balance prior to this change. Although you will not be able to purchase new games, you can continue to enjoy previously purchased content by downloading it through the Games for Windows Live client software as usual."

The news comes days after .

Microsoft has posted formation as part of an


Microsoft Closing Games for Windows Live Marketplace

Added: 16.08.2013 0:24 | 23 views | 0 comments

Microsoft Points are going away in the next Xbox 360 update, which will have a huge effect on PC gamers using GFWL.


News: Microsoft to retire Games For Windows LIVE Marketplace

Added: 15.08.2013 17:25 | 17 views | 0 comments

Digital PC store to close next Thursday, August 22.

The closure of Games For Windows LIVE's Marketplace means that PC players will no longer be able to purchase new games through the online store, with Microsoft recommending that players spend their existing Microsoft Points balance prior to next Thursday.

Games For Windows LIVE users will be able to continue to download their previously purchased content through the Games For Windows LIVE client following the store's closure.

"As part of the upcoming Xbox 360 system update, Microsoft Points will be retired, and the PC marketplace will be closed as of August...


Dishonored DLC Brigmore Witches Launches Today

Added: 13.08.2013 22:56 | 28 views | 0 comments

Today, Arkane Studios' assassination game Dishonored officially ends. The Brigmore Witches, the last downloadable content, is being rolled out on all platforms worldwide for 800 Microsoft Points or $10.


Gamed: Even the people of Belarus know Nintendo is screwed

Added: 13.08.2013 5:19 | 7 views | 0 comments

Digital Trends - This week in Gamed, we have news from across the Atlantic: Nintendo is screwed. Plus, Oculus VR hearts id, MS Points taken taken to the woodshed, and the Xbox One comes out of its shell.


League Of Legends American Express Debit Cards Announced

Added: 12.08.2013 20:54 | 15 views | 0 comments

American Express is teaming up with Riot Games to produce League of Legends debit cards. These cards will allow LoL players to earn Riot Points with every use.


League of Legends AmEx debit cards to be unveiled this week

Added: 12.08.2013 15:24 | 1 views | 0 comments

American Express to offer prepaid debit card that offers League of Legends Riot Points in exchange for spending real money.

Credit card company American Express is set to launch a -themed debit card that offers in-game Riot Points for spending real money.

According to a , League of Legends developer Riot Games and American Express will formally unveil the debit cards on Wednesday, along with a sponsorship deal in the game from the American financial company.

The prepaid debit card will feature images of the game's characters, with the New York Times showing an image of a Teemo-branded card. Owners can also accumulate Riot Points, used in League of Legends to buy characters, costumes, and bonuses.

Customers receive 1000 Riot Points for signing up, followed by another 1000 when loading the card with $20 of credit. 10,000 Riot Points are offered for linking the card to a direct deposit account, and the first 10 purchases made with the card will also hand out bonus points.

American Express general manager Stefan Happ said that the scheme was designed to attract a generation of players that are becoming harder to target with traditional advertising. #147;It gives you a sense of how deeply engaged the players are in playing this game,#147; said Happ. #147;We are about loyalty, we are about contact and long-lasting engagement. This is an ideal fit from an audience perspective.#147;

The deal will include a 30-second advert from American Express about the prepaid debit card, alongside a series of banner ads to run on the company's Championship Series site.

Alongside the League of Legends debit cards, Blizzard and Visa also have a partnership to provide .


League of Legends AmEx debit cards to be unveiled this week

Added: 12.08.2013 15:24 | 2 views | 0 comments

American Express to offer prepaid debit card that offers League of Legends Riot Points in exchange for spending real money.

Credit card company American Express is set to launch a -themed debit card that offers in-game Riot Points for spending real money.

According to a , League of Legends developer Riot Games and American Express will formally unveil the debit cards on Wednesday, along with a sponsorship deal in the game from the American financial company.

The prepaid debit card will feature images of the game's characters, with the New York Times showing an image of a Teemo-branded card. Owners can also accumulate Riot Points, used in League of Legends to buy characters, costumes, and bonuses.

Customers receive 1000 Riot Points for signing up, followed by another 1000 when loading the card with $20 of credit. 10,000 Riot Points are offered for linking the card to a direct deposit account, and the first 10 purchases made with the card will also hand out bonus points.

American Express general manager Stefan Happ said that the scheme was designed to attract a generation of players that are becoming harder to target with traditional advertising. #147;It gives you a sense of how deeply engaged the players are in playing this game,#147; said Happ. #147;We are about loyalty, we are about contact and long-lasting engagement. This is an ideal fit from an audience perspective.#147;

The deal will include a 30-second advert from American Express about the prepaid debit card, alongside a series of banner ads to run on the company's Championship Series site.

Alongside the League of Legends debit cards, Blizzard and Visa also have a partnership to provide .


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