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Dragon Quest Builders Trailer - TGS 2015

Added: 15.09.2015 9:01 | 17 views | 0 comments

More gameplay of the block-building take on the Dragon Quest series.

From: feeds.ign.com

Survivors: The Quest Cheats: Guide, Tips Strategy for Android/iPhone Game

Added: 14.09.2015 17:17 | 74 views | 0 comments

Survivors: The Quest Cheats Gems: Guide, Tips Strategy for Android/iPhone Game Hunger affects how fast your character loses Stamina. A well fed character can last un to 50% longer before he needs to sleep. Eat food to keep energy levels up.

From: n4g.com

Anna's Quest review - ChristCenteredGamer

Added: 14.09.2015 15:17 | 16 views | 0 comments

This game would be a true delight to play and contain great inspiration, if it weren't so drawn out. Anna serves as a light in a dark world both in the game, and when compared to modern video games, which emphasize violence and death. If you don't mind spending hours backtracking, Anna's Quest is a joy to play.

Tags: Quest
From: n4g.com

Kings Quest Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember Review | Hardcore Gamer

Added: 14.09.2015 2:17 | 45 views | 0 comments

The initial Activision announcement of a Kings Quest reboot to be put together by The Odd Gentlemen was met with quite a bit of cynicism. Of course Activision is simply seeing Telltale raking in the dough with their modern take on adventure games and wanted a piece of the pie. With Activisions reputation for jumping to the easy money, it was easy to write this one off as a crass cash grab. Whatever Activisions intentions were with resurrecting the Sierra brand and creating this, The Odd Gentlemen have turned out an entertaining adventure in the first chapter, A Knight To Remember.

From: n4g.com

Forge Quest - Trainer 1.56.1 (PC)

Added: 13.09.2015 15:05 | 46 views | 0 comments

Stuck? Check out the latest hints cheats for this game!

From: www.videogamer.com

About an AI that turns stories into interactive games

Added: 12.09.2015 10:17 | 18 views | 0 comments

MWEB GameZone writes: Meet Scheherazade-IF: The AI that turns stories into games. Scheherazade-IF (named after the Arabian Queen that tells the stories in One Thousand and One Nights), uses an algorithm that identifies and implements coherent plot points based on provided themes, and turns it into an interactive game."

Tags: Quest, Mega, About
From: n4g.com

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Review | GamersFTW

Added: 12.09.2015 5:19 | 50 views | 0 comments

The hack n slash Warriors series has been going for several years now and in its time Koei Tecmo have managed to add a good number of cross-over specials to their franchise. Previous cross-overs include the Japanese mecha series Gundam (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam), Nintendos epic Zelda franchise (Hyrule Warriors) and coming up is the Square Enixs JRPG series Dragon Quest (Dragon Quest Heroes). Then theres the epic pirate adventure; One Piece Pirate Warriors. This mix of Warriors massive scale fights with One Pieces completely mad plot makes it a complete winner. Many times in the show youll see the straw hat crew mowing down wave after wave of enemies culminating in boss fights, so to actually do that gives fans a massive sense of satisfaction.

From: n4g.com

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Review | GamersFTW

Added: 12.09.2015 2:17 | 30 views | 0 comments

The hack n slash Warriors series has been going for several years now and in its time Koei Tecmo have managed to add a good number of cross-over specials to their franchise. Previous cross-overs include the Japanese mecha series Gundam (Dynasty Warriors: Gundam), Nintendos epic Zelda franchise (Hyrule Warriors) and coming up is the Square Enixs JRPG series Dragon Quest (Dragon Quest Heroes). Then theres the epic pirate adventure; One Piece Pirate Warriors. This mix of Warriors massive scale fights with One Pieces completely mad plot makes it a complete winner. Many times in the show youll see the straw hat crew mowing down wave after wave of enemies culminating in boss fights, so to actually do that gives fans a massive sense of satisfaction.

From: n4g.com

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