Which game are you most excited to see at E3 2015?
Added: 13.06.2015 17:00 | 53 views | 0 comments
It feels like Christmas in June around the GR+ offices as each editor eagerly awaits . Our stockings are hung by the chimney with care, in the hopes that President and CEO of Nintendo Co., Ltd., Satoru Iwata, or Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft's Xbox division and Microsoft Studios, soon would be there. Our heads swim with visions of game announcements and release dates; of Master Chief waking from his slumber and Nathan Drake ducking behind some crates.
We're ready for E3, and we hope you are too because this year's show is going to be massive. There are a ton of new games on the horizon - from Kingdom Hearts 3 to Fallout 4; Halo 5 to Forza 6. To help make sense of it all, each editor has selected the one they're most excited to see at the show. Let us know which one you're most excited to see, and join us back here on Sunday (06/11) when the E3 excitement kicks off at the .
Now, I like to think I'm a pretty sensible person when it comes to E3 expectations. I take gameplay footage and previews with a grain of salt, trying to keep my own hype levels in check as much as possible. But I will be filled with all of the joy in the world if I get to see playable at E3 this year.
The Elder Scrolls series has never really struck a chord with me, though I really appreciate the wonder of simply wandering around an expertly-crafted world and getting into as much mischief as possible. That's why I love Fallout - the sardonic spin on 1950s Nuclear Age Americana combined with familiar landmarks and retro-future aesthetics speaks to me in a way fantasy environments like Skyrim just don't. Now, take all of that, the glorious open-world choose-your-own-adventure gameplay Bethesda is known for, tweak the gunplay to make it a bit more fluid, and throw it on new-gen consoles. Yeah. Gimme all of that.
Not only is this certain to be at E3, it’s also guaranteed to provoke a reaction. When the game was properly revealed back in April, many moaned about the lack of drivable AT-ATs, the OP hero characters, and the scarcity of prequel content. My reaction was “Holy shit that looks incredible. Give me this game NOW!” accompanied by a lot of Kermit The Frog-style manic arm-waving.
Why? Aside from the fact it’s freaking Star Wars, and you get to pilot freaking X-Wings or zoom through freaking Endor on a freaking Speeder Bike while lasering holes through freaking Ewoks, it’s made by DICE. Those guys know exactly what they’re doing, having finely honed their multiplayer craft over more than a decade of Battlefield games. For me, its the dream combination of developer and subject matter. And I’m not naive - I know that reveal trailer was all prettied up - but if it’s a fraction as handsome as that, it’ll be a proper new-gen showpiece. Let’s, er, just hope there are no Battlefield-style launch issues, eh…
It’s really happening! Studio Head Rod Fergusson recently announced a name change for Black Tusk Studios to The Coalition, to better represent the team and what they’re working on--. And there will be fo at E3. Last year all we got was a brief flash of a Gears cog, likely to remind us that Microsoft hasn’t forgotten about the franchise. With all this excitement swirling around Halo and Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears will fit in nicely with the rest of Xbox’s lineup.
Now where will they take the series? Phil Spencer has said the new Gears will return to the darker, grittier tone of the earlier games, which I’m sure anyone who has played Judgement will not complain about. I’m secretly hoping that the new Gears will be about Carmine brothers’ backstory. Who was Carmine’s mom? Maybe the brothers are on a quest to find their father and along the way they find out they have a half-sister. And it’s a point-and-click adventure game! Just kidding. Pass me a lancer, please.
We’re well into the Xbox One’s second year on the planet, and who better than to exploit the power of the console than a first party dev? And, especially one that only does racing games - that specialisation might serve a niche but by the gods of silicon, it’s my favourite niche.
Despite its limitations and nauseating microtransactions, Forza 5 was beautiful, a great technical example of what’s possible. It was also an early step, a very polished proof of concept. Consider the time Turn 10 has had, the lessons the team has learned based not only on its own successes and mistakes, but those made by Forza Horizon 2 developer Playground Games - should be spectacular. It’s no secret the two teams have a pipeline between the two studios. They share data, insights and - here’s where I’m crossing everything - the know-how for a dynamic weather system at full HD and at 60 frames. Ladies and gentlemen, start your drooling.
Want to know how excited I am about ? I just bought an Xbox One specifically so that I can play the best version of it as soon as it comes out. Yes, it is that big a deal and you should be equally excited. In fact, 'big deal' is an understatement when it comes to Microsoft's exclusivity contract with Square Enix for the game. That's a megaton. And I don't think I'll be alone in buying a console specifically to play it. I had started to think the days of buying a console just for one game were over (Titanfall wasn't quite that good), but I'm very happy to be proven wrong.
It does concern me a little that the game will also be available on Xbox 360, as that does suggest the Xbox One version may have been scaled back in order for the game to run on the old hardware. But having said that, there was never any sense that the previous game's scope and content had been reduced to fit on last-gen tech. 2013's Tomb Raider is clearly one of the best games ever made. And the thought of Crystal Dynamics taking everything they've learned from that experience and channeling it into a new-gen focused (if not new-gen-exclusive) experience fills me with excitement. Man, I can't wait.
Let's be honest with ourselves: when Kingdom Hearts 3 finally gets released it's going to be a real hot mess - and I couldn't be happier. It may buckle under the weight of a backstory , but that will only heighten the game's strongest asset: its strangeness. Seeing all the weird interactions that come from mashing together all these disparate styles and characters is what I treasure in Kingdom Hearts.
This might all sound like I harbor some ironic, detached love for the series; that I don't really like Kingdom Hearts, I just like laughing at it. This is not the case. For all their absurdities, the Kingdom Hearts games do an excellent job at nailing the thousands of tiny details that make a good game feel great. I'm talking about the different jingles the keyblades make as they strike an enemy, or the visual flash of Sora's Explosion ability. Are these cheap thrills? Sure, but when you're game has pirate Johnny Depp fighting shadow monsters alongside Donald Duck and an anime character, cheap thrills are A-OK.
I’m going to catch some flak for this - I know I will. But when it comes to cohesion of creative vision and storytelling, I don’t think 343 Industries merely followed in Bungie’s footsteps, I believe they eclipsed them. Halo 4 could have been a disaster, and yet it’s my favorite single-player Halo campaign thus far (just barely edging out Halo: Reach), with a quality multiplayer component as well that … okay, yes, was a stretch too far away from what made Halo multiplayer great, but if the beta is any indication, 343 has learned from those mistakes.
I’m a lore guy. Growing up, I loved to read, and the more fantastic the tale, the better. Halo has a wonderful universe to play around in; one that simultaneously feels epic and impossible, yet grounded and human. I have no fears whatsoever about the quality of Halo 5’s gameplay, and despite the addition of aim-down sights (something I once proclaimed would, if added to the series, make me quit) I quite enjoyed my time with the reworked multiplayer. In the end though, I’m in it for the story, and I can’t wait to see where Chief’s journey goes next.
PlatinumGames is a developer as focused and nimble as its own combat systems. The second-party-dev-for-hire has teamed up with Sega, Nintendo, Konami and Activision, making fast-paced, nonsense-packed action games with a near-perfect hit rate. Now it’s in cahoots with Microsoft, making an Xbox One exclusive about rad young dudes toting swords and Beats by Dre knock-offs while riding dragons. If there’s a better elevator pitch going, I will run to the nearest tall building immediately to hear it.
But, as we Scalebound isn’t at E3. As if in ultra-cool protest, Platinum’s just revealing another brand new game instead. We have no idea what it is. Some are pointing to Vanquish 2, others Metal Gear Rising 2. Whether it’ll be another Microsoft exclusive is in question. Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me - this is a studio that’s casually knocked out some of the best games of my lifetime, no matter who it’s nominally working for. Whatever the game turns out to be, it’s likely to be my favourite game at E3. Because Platinum.
A few months ago, I got a glimpse at the enigmatic , a game that falls into the same exploring-empty-environments category as Gone Home and Dear Esther. While it may look like Rapture is treading ground that should probably be paved by now, there's something special about it that won't leave my mind, and I'm excited for the possibility of it showing up at E3.
Without giving away too much, it's clear that Rapture's charming country setting is covering up some terrible past mishap that didn't leave much of a mark. One spirit tells another that her husband went upstairs an hour ago and hasn't come down, but all you find on the next landing are some bloody tissues. You find a man praying in a church before something happens to him; though you don't know for sure what you've seen, there are enough hints to give you an idea, and it's horrifying. Every moment in the town a mix between peace, uncertainty, and sinking realization, and it has a way of making you feel alone in knowing the truth. I want to see even more of that strange town at E3, but I also want to see other people witness it for the first time. Then we can all be alone together.
Aside from being a secret Sonic the Hedgehog game (shhh, don’t think about it too much), Mirror’s Edge is my favorite kind of AAA production: flashy, bold and uninfluenced by conventional wisdom. This means plenty of pitfalls en route to the ending, but a refreshing and stubborn adherence to ideas that might not ‘play well to the audience.’
I hope DICE can strike a better balance in its return to Mirror’s Edge, now dubbed “Catalyst.” I want them to stick to their guns - which is to say, not have ANY guns - and elaborate on the best thing about Mirror’s Edge: the sense of inhabiting a fleet-footed body, and to know where all your limbs are in a beautiful 3D city. The game is about holding your breath before the next vertiginous vault - a moment that deserves to be explored more fully alongside Faith, an interesting heroine who never really got the origin story to match her bounding mystique.
If I don't see at least one Cacodemon during E3, I'll be devastated. Those horned, grinning, cyclopean monstrosities are what evoke my fondest memories of blasting my way through E1M1 on my dad's office computer, or going on shotgun sprees in Doom 2 with just a keyboard (no mouse-look required). The Revenant from the recent looks nice, but what I'm really amped up to see is a floating red orb of demonic death barfing out giant fireballs in 1080p.
And there might be an added bonus to Doom's spotlight during , depending on whether or not id's John Carmack is invited to speak onstage. I've heard tell of Carmack's uncanny ability to spout a continuous torrent of unscripted, uber-intelligent commentary, but I've never witnessed his robot-like streams of genius consciousness for myself. It may not be quite as riveting as gameplay footage of Doomguy demolishing an Imp's innards with a rocket launcher, but I'd still be pretty stoked.
It's no secret that I'm totally obsessed with everything Destiny. I've played the game just about every day since launch and plowed through every raid, strike, and mission. With the release of the House of Wolves expansion, there are even more reasons for me to return to our futuristic solar system to stamp out the Darkness and defend the Light. So, when there are rumors swirling that Bungie is going to announce the details for a new, massive expansion at E3, you know I'm about to get hyped.
Some of the details on the . The next expansion is coming on September 15, there's going to be a new Raid, and all of the classes will be getting a new subclass. All very exciting information. And if it all ends up being legit, E3 is going to be quite a treat. I just need to get a glimpse of the new Void bow ability for the Hunter class and I'll be happy.
Before I got a 3DS, my interest in Fire Emblem began and ended with the Smash Bros. roster. I'm not much for tactics - observe how shamefully I saved and reloaded through XCOM, abandoning the campaign once seeing into the future was no longer enough to keep my troops alive - and I usually don't have the patience to play through sprawling JRPGs. But I gave Awakening a shot just to have something in my cartridge slot aside from Super Mario 3D Land, and I found one of my favorite games in years.
Nintendo hasn't told us Westerners too much about Fire Emblem If (or even confirmed whether that will be the title outside of Japan), but it seems to make some pretty big changes to series fundamentals: a new set of weapons added to the rock-paper-scissors style vulnerability system, throwing out weapon durability, letting you build your own castle - not to mention introducing two distinct armies and storylines to choose between. Maybe if I wasn't such a recent Fire Emblem convert I'd be more disturbed by all of If's changes, but I can't wait to see how they all play out.
Look, I know that it’s really unlikely that we’ll get more than a brief glimpse at during the show. The Persona of the moment is Dancing All Night, which I’m also super stoked to play, but I’ll take any shred of information about the next vehicle for fusion, dungeons and steak croquettes. A 30-second video. A character name. A costume. I’ll lap up any crumb of information I can get and consider it a feast.
What Persona 3 did well, Persona 4 perfected. A seamless blend of the fantastic and the mundane, both games pushed expectations for characterization and gameplay for JRPGs, with stylish characters and catchy tunes. Both games swap the typical world-saving teens that typically populate JRPGs for more relatable heroes, as concerned with defeating enemies as they are with passing history class. They also touch on serious issues like loss and identity in immensely personal ways, avoiding the temptation to wallow in melodrama. They’re two of my most-played and most-beloved games, so I’m eager to see what new ideas Persona 5 presents. And no, having Jack Frost in it doesn’t count.
Okay, I was already very, very excited about . And now I’m eveb more excited. Because while I’m months and years off really getting deep into the game, I already have a sense of the kind of Street Fighter it’s going to be. And ye gods, is it enticing.
Street Fighter 5 blows the doors off the series overarching fighting philosophy. Gone is the focus on, er, Focus Attacks and Ultras, which opened up high-level play in SF4 while also funnelling it in a specific set of directions. Replacing it is a madly eclectic approach to even stalwart characters, iconic moves remixed or removed entirely, fighting styles switched up completely, and crucially, everyone now has an utterly unique technique, many of which would support an entire fighting game on their own, making for insanely asymmetric, but so far utterly balanced, freewheeling, anything-can happen fights. A Ryu who can parry anything vs. a torpedo-less Bison who can catch fireballs and throw them straight back? It might look like business as usual, but it plays like nothing you’ve ever seen before. More. I need more, now.
Tags: Gods, Studios, Torn, Hack, Dead, Paul, Nintendo, Mario, Games, Star, Street, Wake, Gear, When, Force, With, Battlefield, Duty, Black, Jump, Rising, Metal, Metal Gear, Xbox, Studio, Bolt, Raider, Last, Tomb Raider, Every, There, While, Help, Hunter, Rick, Down, John, Hold, Wings, Gear Rising, Master, Gears, House, Fire, Microsoft, Super Mario, Give, Fire Emblem, Emblem, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Fighter, Street Fighter, Square, Enix, Scrolls, Elder, DICE, Wolves, Bungie, Elder Scrolls, Awakening, The Elder, Square Enix, Crystal, Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics, Skyrim, Because, Sonic, Bears, Jack, Edge, Bethesda, Soul, Despite, China, Darkness, Persona, September, Xbox One, Konami, Smart
| Rise of the Tomb Raider low-resolution in-game screenshots
Added: 13.06.2015 15:16 | 6 views | 0 comments
GamerCenterOnline have obtained these low-resolution images of timed Xbox exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider.
| E3 2015: Bring on the sequels, they're often better than new IP
Added: 12.06.2015 15:16 | 1 views | 0 comments
Sequel is a dirty word these days. In the lead up to an E3 littered with them, the backlash to the lack of confirmed new IP has already begun. Companies are coming up with names to try distance themselves from the term, swapping a number in the title for things like Rise of The Tomb Raider and other ridiculousness.
| Your first look at the Oculus Rift launch games
Added: 11.06.2015 19:26 | 84 views | 0 comments
The Oculus Rift VR headset is an incredible piece of technology - but really, what is it without some killer games? To get you psyched up for what the headset makes possible, Oculus showed off a swath of new games that'll accompany the peripheral's launch in Q1 2016. Here's a brief look at everything revealed thus far, so you can start thinking now about whether or not you want to invest in Oculus' vision of gaming's future.
There have been space sims before, but none of them give you the feeling of actually sitting in the cockpit of your own starfighter. Wearing the Oculus Rift, you can look around the cockpit freely, getting a full view of the ships around you while you blast them with machine gun-like energy weapons and missiles. The combat looks to be inspired by Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, with massive vessels engaging in ship-to-ship combat while small, one-man fighters dogfight between them. There's even a moon-sized spherical ship that invades battles to blast your allied space cruisers with a superlaser.
This third-person, moodily lit dungeon crawler should strike a chord with fans of The Legend of Zelda and Shadow of the Colossus. You're a young boy wandering through ancient, overgrown ruins, inevitably awakening some giant stone golems along the way. (What is it with golems and trying to flatten whoever's unlucky enough to wake them?) It's hinted that you might continuously age as the game progresses, which could unlock additional abilities or combat skills. We're not yet sure how the Oculus headset itself factors into the gameplay, but we can't wait to find out.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This intriguing thriller from the makers of looks like a cross between Tomb Raider on an icy tundra and the unfathomable Elder Gods of Lovecraftian horror, which all but ensures that it's going to be an amazing VR experience. The trailer shown during the conference has a voiceover of a woman pleading to our main character Victor (Viktor?) not to pry too deep into the mysteries of this icy wasteland, lest he descend into madness. So of course, you're going to look into whatever transdimensional terrors have crossed over into our world, even if it means cowering in fear when the cabin you're in gets surrounded in shrouds of darkness, slimy tentacles, and foreboding whispers.
The developers at High Voltage are bringing their first Oculus Rift game to the VR headset next year. All we really know about it at the moment is the name - which by the sound of it is probably going to involve shooting a bunch of robots in 3D. Whatever it is, we're excited to see more.
Most sports games play from the perspective of a spectator, but when you put on an Oculus and play VR Sports Challenge, you actually play baseball, football, or hockey from the athlete's view. The game will be releasing sometime next year, so you won't have to wait long to live out your pro athlete dreams.
There's not much to say about Esper just yet - it looks like a first-person puzzler a la Portal or Quantum Conundrum, where you use telekinesis to manipulate your environment. Expect to pick up and put down many blocks, orbs, and maybe some clear pipes... using your mind. And probably the controller.
This shmup-RTS hybrid is already available (for free!) on PC, but it's being revamped for the Oculus. If you're a fan of the Genesis cult classic Herzog Zwei, this is the modern equivalent, where you split your time between managing captured military bases and zooming around as a transforming jet-mech. If that sounds radical, that's because it is.
Oculus has its share of gritty, serious games on lock, but that doesn't mean the family crowd will be left wanting. Lucky's Tale is a platforming adventure game starring a cape-wearing fox, not unlike the mascot-headlined platformers of yesteryear, so the Rift will have something even the younguns can enjoy.
That's not all for Oculus Rift games; Oculus teased that they're currently working with big and small to produce new experiences or port and enhance existing ones to make full use of the Rift headset. That includes proven names like Square Enix, Harmonix, and the aforementioned Insomniac Games, but Oculus is also pursuing independent developers with 10 million dollars of investment. With that kind of money, anything can happen.
Tags: Gods, Torn, Star, When, With, Shadow, Raider, Tomb Raider, There, Legend, Rick, Sports, High, Most, Square, Elder, Oculus, Oculus Rift, Quantic, York, Tale, Zelda, Insomniac
| Halo 5: Guardians Free DLC Maps and The Last Guardian at E3 2015? - IGN Daily Fix
Added: 11.06.2015 0:00 | 3 views | 0 comments
Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer map details and The Last Guardian may appear at E3. Meanwhile Dark Souls 3 art reveals release window and release dates for Forza 6 Rise of the Tomb Raider get outed.
Tags: Torn, Hack, Mask, Daly, Force, Raider, Last, Tomb Raider, Rick, The Last, Souls, Guardian, Last Guardian, Dark Souls
| Amazon France Gives Away Forza 6 and Rise of the Tomb Raider Release Dates
Added: 09.06.2015 14:16 | 11 views | 0 comments
Amazon has been on a great roll recently - the online retailer has been the source.of a fair few leaks over the past couple of weeks, though they've usually come from North American site.
This time the French Amazon site has decided to get in on the action by revealing the dates for two of this year's biggest games: Forza 6 and Rise of the Tomb Raider.
| 15 big predictions for the third-party E3 2015 press conferences
Added: 04.06.2015 17:00 | 32 views | 0 comments
Aaand here we are. The final part of out marathon series of predictions articles for E3 2015. is done. Who's left? Everyone else. It's not all about the platform-holders, after all. Those guys make the boxes, and push the shiniest, tentpole games, but we have a whole industry of other, friendly global megacorps vying for our attention each and every day. So let's give them a bit of attention, shall we?
EA? Ubisoft? Square-Enix? What do you guys have for us? What's that? You're not going to answer until the show? Well, we're just going to have to throw out some ideas of our own then. Really good ones, that everyone should read.
The conference will go off without a hitch, complete with pulse-pounding cinematic trailers and polished demos touted as being available on the show floor. For the finale, the presenter announces that the Doom beta will be immediately available to the public, and walks off stage as a five-second promo video for The Elder Scrolls 6 appears on screen.
The conference concludes to the sound of rapturous weeping. Some chairs are thrown in hysterical fervor. One person leaves the room on fire, and doesn’t even care.
Towering over Yves Guillemot and using her well-earned credibility to protect the Ubi CEO from his own awkwardness, Aisha Tyler tries her best to act like everything is perfectly normal, as several overweight Ubisoft producers try to breakdance to a song from Just Dance 43 (or whatever we’re on now).
As one of the ‘dancers’ spasms wildly around on the floor to All About That Bass, like a cow that’s fallen onto an electrified fence, the audience prays for a yawning chasm to open up under their seats and swallow them forever.
Dark Souls and its sequel are two of the biggest critical wins Bandai Namco has scored in years. We imagined all kinds of glum faces and desk kicking when it was announced that Sony had snagged From Software’ spiritual successor, Bloodborne, but we also expect that frown to be turned upside down at this year’s E3.
You see the thing is, for all of Bloodborne’s fantastic gameplay evolutions and entrancing, arcanely captivating new lore, the Souls fandom is still incredibly strong. Those games are so dense - and so different to Bloodborne, despite their philosophical similarities - that there’s more than enough room for both series to co-exist. Bandai Namco will not want to let a fanbase like that go, so do not at all be surprised to discover that it has commissioned From to make a new one, though do not expect ‘main’ series director Hidetaka Miyazaki to be at the reigns. He’s likely busying himself with Bloodborne’s expansions.
After the resounding ‘Yay! Wait, what? Ohhh...’ reaction to Hitman; Absolution’s ‘tweaks’ to the series’ classic formula, Square-Enix and IO will be eager to redress the balance and re-convince old slaphead’s fanbase that they’re still capable of delivering the Machiavellian goods (before walking nonchalantly away, unnoticed, as a huge explosion goes off, killing all the most vocal detractors).
Expect Hitman: Whatever This One’s Called to be revealed by way of a lengthy, in-depth demo showcasing the Blood Money-style focus on dynamic, mini-open-world plotting, and the multitudinous ways Agent 47 can off people undetected, while wearing a variety of goofy disguises. Though, this being E3, there will be at least one major shoot-out and cinematic detonation sequence, which IO will spend the next two weeks reiterating is not indicative of the way the whole game works.
Our first taste of was impressive, no doubt, but it was heavy on the highly choreographed, pre-rendered cyberpunk action. As in, zero gameplay footage was shown. Don't count on a live on-stage demo during Square-Enix’s press conference, either. What's more likely is a sizzle reel of the different approaches Adam Jensen can take to defuse the same one situation, intercut with cinematics filled with big orange explosions and golden bloom lighting. This trailer will be bookended by a way-too-self-serious developer positing questions about the morality of mechanical augmentation in the year 2029. Absolutely no mention of '#CantKillProgress' will be made.
In an ingenious marketing move, Square-Enix will hand out replicas of Jensen's trademark slide-in sunglasses on the show floor, dominating social media as fans take countless selfies while doing their best 'I didn't ask for this' pose. This will all backfire when one pair of these slick shades inevitably takes someone's eye out.
In lieu of actual gameplay, the trailer will consist entirely of slow, panning shots of stars. And planets, and general outer space stuff. Meanwhile, an old man with a really craggley voice will spout vague lines of narration about humanity transcending its limits and reaching the next stage of evolution, et cetera.
No one will have any idea what this is all about until the word "Shepherd" gets dropped in and the camera slow pans to reveal a broken down Mass relay - at which point the entire internet explodes.
Because that’s just what we do now. If a big franchise is a way off its next entry, you bang out the old ones with shinier graphics and a better frame-rate. And in the former case, spend most of the development time fixing the goddamn Mako. Please. No really, you do. Please.
This will finally cement 'The Nights' by Avicii as the 'Dragula' of the modern age.
The internet is still buzzing about the next Mirror's Edge game, though all EA and DICE have shown off are a few bits of concept art, a release window, and a trailer assuring everyone it's going to be so cool, you don't even know.
While Star Wars Battlefront will absolutely be the golden child of EA's press conference, those context-free images will be more than enough to keep everyone ticking over until next year. Hey, it’s Mirror’s Edge. When have vague promises ever not worked for a fanbase that rabid?
As of now, the advertising for Assassin's Creed Syndicate has primarily revolved around its main character Jacob Frye, and largely ignored its other main character, his sister, Evie. Ubisoft has promised more of Evie in the weeks to come, and will certainly make good on that promise this E3.
Expect an effect-heavy trailer that confirms her existence with no hint of how her abilities will translate to gameplay, because that will be saved for the real Evie reveal. At Gamescom. But the soundtrack will be sick.
It will contain five minutes of footage from old Kingdom Hearts games, and twenty seconds from the actual game they're showing off. Not one of those twenty seconds will involve gameplay. The release date will be replaced with an illustration of Nomura flipping everyone the bird.
You know, like every other Kingdom Hearts trailer.
Since its announcement at Microsoft's E3 2014 press conference, Rise of the Tomb Raider has acted as one of MS’s signature exclusives, earning itself a feature spot in the most recent Xbox TV ad. Yet usual publisher Square-Enix has apparently forgotten that Lara exists, if its non-existent advertising campaign for Rise is anything to go by.
With titles like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 15, and Just Cause 3 on the books for this year, the chances are that won't change this coming E3. Looks like Lara will only be getting love from Microsoft. Millions of dollars worth of love.
Though afterwards they will not acknowledge that they have done this, and look with confused expressions at any journalist who asks about it. The game will continue to exist only in realms beyond our understanding for years, perhaps centuries, to come.
Should the proper incantations ever be uttered however, it may actually, one day, cross over into our universe. It will release on the same day as the inevitable Prince of Persia reboot, and the cycle shall begin anew.
The company will hold a “live” Battlefront match on-stage, which will feature Y-wings dropping bombs on AT-ATs as Darth Vader and Boba Fett mow down legions of Rebel troops. It will be awesome, and cinematic, and rousing, and make everyone forget the truth that in real game conditions they’ll probably spend half their time running to somewhere, only to be sniped by an enemy miles across the map.
The presentation will also tease Visceral Games’ Star Wars entry via a trailer that shows a man strapping on various pieces of armor as a gravely voice states that he is “the last,” he is “the sword,” he is … a bounty hunter. Fade in on Boba Fett’s helmet being picked up. Cut to black. An EA spokesperson asks the audience, “How many of you out there liked Star Wars Galaxies?!” Three of us let out feverish hooting, our eyes wide. “...Nevermind!” say EA, as the show continues.
Remember Wet? The Bethesda-published game starred Rubi Malone, a “problem solver” whose favorite answer to a pop quiz was two smoking barrels and blood-soaked katanas? Sure the first game didn’t garner much praise from consumers or press, but it has a devoted fanbase, and with the recent rise of strong female action protagonists like Katniss Everdeen and Marvel’s Black Widow, there’s no better time for a comeback.
Come back to us, Rubi. Please. Some of us still care.
Tags: Torn, Evil, Mask, Star, Ubisoft, Wake, Daly, When, With, Creed, Black, Jump, Xbox, Bolt, Fate, Fantasy, Sure, Raider, Last, Tomb Raider, After, While, Rick, Down, Code, Though, Star Wars, Souls, Bloom, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Final, Dance, Enix, Final Fantasy, Scrolls, Elder, DICE, Adds, Elder Scrolls, Remember, The Elder, Namco, Because, Edge, Dark Souls, Soul, About, Bandai, Ruin
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