Rise Of The Tomb Raider Trailer And Box Art Scales An Icy Mountain
Added: 02.06.2015 21:04 | 31 views | 0 comments
 It looks like the legendary spelunker known as Lara Croft will have little trouble staying frosty during her next adventure, as the latest trailer and box art for Rise of the Tomb Raider shows our heroine braving a frigid mountain.
| Yes, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive but that doesn't mean it's coming to PS4
Added: 02.06.2015 13:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
This is a debate that has been going since Microsoft first announced their timed exclusivity deal with Rise of the Tomb Raider and ExOakley of MyGamesLounge offers up his opinion to this debate
| Rise of the Tomb Raider Aim Greater Trailer
Added: 02.06.2015 10:12 | 16 views | 0 comments
Join Lara Croft on a cinematic survival action adventure. The journey begins holiday 2015. Watch the world premiere of gameplay during the Xbox E3 Briefing June 15, 2015 at Xbox.com.
Tags: Torn, Jump, Watch, Xbox, Raider, Last, Tomb Raider, Croft, Lara Croft, Rick, John
| Rise of the Tomb Raider Aim Greater Video
Added: 02.06.2015 10:09 | 3 views | 0 comments
Be bold. Be daring. Discover your legend.
| XCOM 2 Announced Rise of the Tomb Raider Trailer Surfaces Early - IGN Daily Fix
Added: 01.06.2015 23:30 | 5 views | 0 comments
XCOM 2 gets announced and unleashes a trailer and Rise of the Tomb Raider gets a new trailer. Meanwhile Microsoft shoots down rumors of a Silent Hills purchase and Halo 3: ODST MCC codes go live.
| Two excellent Lara Croft Fan Art Pieces
Added: 01.06.2015 18:16 | 11 views | 0 comments
Game-Art-HQ features two very beautiful Lara Croft / Tomb Raider fan arts that are not sexist in any form.
| Rise of the Tomb Raider fans should hope for these features
Added: 01.06.2015 18:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
GotGame writes: Rise of the Tomb Raider could have some pretty rad features.
| Announcement Trailer
Added: 01.06.2015 18:03 | 13 views | 0 comments
This PlayStation Vita remake of the action game offers four-player online co-op and a new Air Raider class.
| Rise of the Tomb Raider Trailer And Box Art Unearthed
Added: 01.06.2015 18:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

Microsoft has unveiled a new trailer (above) for the much-anticipated, Xbox One-exclusive successor to the Tomb Raider 2013 reboot, along with a shot of the icy, cavernous box art.
The trailer shows Lara Croft fueling her need for danger and exploration, climbing a frozen mountainside to what seems to be a lost temple. With any luck, this is an indication that Rise of the Tomb Raider will actually feature more tombs this time around, which is Point #1 on our wish list for the game.
Tags: Torn, Trailer, With, Xbox, Raider, Last, Tomb Raider, Croft, Lara Croft, Rick, Microsoft
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