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Game Museum The MADE's new Kickstarter

Added: 19.09.2015 21:17 | 93 views | 0 comments

Remember the Kickstarter for The MADE (Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment)? It was one of the first big Kickstarters and a pretty big deal for those of us who know games are more than pixels colliding, but represent a savvy, certain kind of culture, captured in polygon pictures that allow players to talk about simulated adventure stories using I instead of a characters name. What makes The MADE special is its emphasis on helping to expand gamer culture by previously offering free programming lessons and playable exhibitions of historically significant games. These are the guys that helped relaunch the first digital MMO, The Habitat. Now The MADE Kickstarter has a sequel to help them expand their presence in Oakland, California.


FLASHBACKS: Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Video Review | Hardware Heaven

Added: 19.09.2015 8:01 | 135 views | 0 comments

Click here to view original web page at 30#176; Submitted by Pozzle 2h ago | review Favorites Info Report Add alt source Today Kaeyi Dream reviews Reaper of Souls the latest expansion to Blizzard's epic action RPG Diablo III, find out how Kaeyi got on. (Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, PC, PS4, Xbox One) - Read full review #62;#62; Add Comment (0) + Tweet Attached Video Comments (0) + Add comment Comments (0) Featured Add comment You need to be registered to add comments. Register here or login Username Password Remember Rules & guidelines Login Related [...]



Added: 18.09.2015 22:19 | 69 views | 0 comments

Game Cheats: Monocular: Remember when looking for secrets and boat boosts to use your monocular to focus in on them...

Tags: Gain, Remember

Overload: Picking Between the Remaining 2015 Gaming Releases

Added: 18.09.2015 12:17 | 63 views | 0 comments

Stu at Sushimonster85 writes 'Remember that first year of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One? It was pretty barren, those of us who chose to adopt early (guilty) bore the brunt of the uncertainty among game developers/publishers at the time Of course, flash-forward to today and the very notion that there things were so uncertain at one point seems crazy. Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are outpacing the PS3 and Xbox 360, and cross-gen release consistently sells better on the newer consoles. Now were through those difficult drought days we even have games starting to come out, if anything, theres almost too many to chose from over these next three and a half months. When I tried to form a shortlist of games I (ideally) want to pick up on release day, as opposed to those I could probably wait for. I failed miserably. This shortlist is nine games long. NINE GAMES. Even if I had the financial means to keep up, there wouldnt be enough time to get through them all.'


How Online Multiplayer Corrupted A Great Company Like Rockstar

Added: 18.09.2015 4:17 | 113 views | 0 comments

Remember when micro-transactions were said to be the works of the video game devils and that no one in their right mind would support such a business structure? Welcome to 2015 where micro-transactions are the norm in gaming and just about every mobile game that releases, uses this as their means to make ends meet. The problem is that we as gamers have settled for this instead of demanding more for our money. Because so many of us have $100 for 90,000 gold bricks for a mobile game. While you could slow play it, who has that kind of time. When it comes to console games, they have began creeping their way into the landscape with games like Assassins Creed Unity and Mortal Kombat X adapting to the change in times. If mobile games can do it, why cant console games you might ask.


Marvellous Miss Take Lead Developer opens Upstream Arcade Studio

Added: 17.09.2015 5:17 | 91 views | 0 comments

Remember The Marvellous Miss Take? NextPowerUp did, because despite its light media coverage, they thought it was actually pretty great. Adam Langridge was the lead developer on it, and he and his partner Imkan Hayati have started up their own development studio Upstream Arcade.


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