Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - A Complete Resident Evil Chronology [Infographic]
Added: 08.04.2015 19:17 | 15 views | 0 comments
From that first choppy helicopter ride over the woods of Raccoon City, you were slammed face first into the evils of the Umbrella Corporation. You know the scenes - the things of your adolescent nightmares. Either when that first zombie turned, face bloodied and skin taught like rawhide, or when the skinless dogs burst through the hallway windows oh, what you wouldnt have given for Barry Burtons Colt 45 on the first floor of the mansion you were hooked (and admittedly drunk on adrenaline).
| Resident Evil Revelations 2, Episode 4 Review - Gaming Nexus
Added: 08.04.2015 15:18 | 26 views | 0 comments
From the review: "Resident Evil: Revelations 2 comes to a proper close with chapter 4; Metamorphosis. The great gameplay carries through to a satisfying ending and Raid Mode continues to be a blast."
| Resident Evil Revelations 2 Review I TechnologyTell
Added: 08.04.2015 4:18 | 26 views | 0 comments
TechnologyTell :
Resident Evil Revelations 2 isnt much like the first Revelations. Its faster, its campier, its episodic? Well, it used to be. Capcom tied the whole package up in a neat little retail bow and threw in some extra content for good measure. Thats the version I played, but frankly, it doesnt matter a whole lot. The episodes were crafted with short bursts in mind, but the real hook is Raid Mode. Raid Mode may has well have been the forefront of the whole package. Its the next step from Mercenaries, offering the same arcade-style challenge with a ton of new customization features and much more accessibility.
| How Revelations 2 reignited my enthusiasm for the Resident Evil franchise
Added: 07.04.2015 16:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
Neil writes "I was a whisker away from refusing to ever play a Resident Evil title again."
| Fluffy Manager 5000 1.69
Added: 06.04.2015 12:35 | 29 views | 0 comments
Add splitscreen Co-Op for Resident Evil Revelations 2 and install mods for RE titles using this tool
| Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episodes 1-4 review | GamesTM
Added: 06.04.2015 12:22 | 21 views | 0 comments
Capcom has genuinely been listening to fans of the Resident Evil series for years now, but it hasnt been until Resident Evil Revelations 2 that this has become startlingly apparent. The obvious additions like an ability to actually move strafing, crouching and so on have been around a few years now, the inclusion of cult favourite Barry Burton as a main character is a great nod to fans, and the constant, wilful silliness of the game and its references are testament to a game thats been made with far more of a self-referential spin than any other previous Resi title. Best of all, this fan service mostly works.
| Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episodes 1-4 review | GamesTM
Added: 06.04.2015 11:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Capcom has genuinely been listening to fans of the Resident Evil series for years now, but it hasnt been until Resident Evil Revelations 2 that this has become startlingly apparent. The obvious additions like an ability to actually move strafing, crouching and so on have been around a few years now, the inclusion of cult favourite Barry Burton as a main character is a great nod to fans, and the constant, wilful silliness of the game and its references are testament to a game thats been made with far more of a self-referential spin than any other previous Resi title. Best of all, this fan service mostly works.
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