Saturday, 01 March 2025
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Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Review [Capsule Computers]

Added: 21.01.2015 11:10 | 29 views | 0 comments

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes: " Making a sequel generally means that the developer has to try and outdo their previous game but in a series like Saints Row, that is a hard feat to accomplish. Despite the odds, back in 2013 Volition and Deep Silver managed to do just that with Saints Row IV by adding super powers and a new out of this world setting. Now the company has released a slightly upgraded version of the game with all of the DLC in one package. The question is should you pick it up?"


Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | Gamerevolution

Added: 21.01.2015 10:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

GR: "Saints Row promotes in-your-face jokes, larger-than-life personalities, and wildly illogical premises as if they're going out of style, but it also lends the series its undeniable charm. Each subsequent release begs the question what will they do next? As the name implies, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell takes the action to the underworld and allows players to explore Satan's stomping grounds in another sandbox adventure. Though the game touts the freedom often associated with this genre, it also limits the size and scope of the experience due to its distinction as a standalone expansion. This allows it to fit in well with the rest of the series, but feels somewhat hollow as a singular experience."


Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Launch Trailer (HD)

Added: 21.01.2015 9:57 | 8 views | 0 comments

Johnny Gat and Kinzie are forced to head to Hell to rescue the Boss' eternal soul from Satan clutches in this epic conclusion to the Saints Row IV story arc.


Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Ships to North America, Launch Video Available

Added: 21.01.2015 9:48 | 3 views | 0 comments

Volition#039;s biggest bad ass from the Third Street Saints is back, hotter than ever (literally)


Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | Gamerevolution

Added: 21.01.2015 9:10 | 7 views | 0 comments

GR: "Saints Row promotes in-your-face jokes, larger-than-life personalities, and wildly illogical premises as if they're going out of style, but it also lends the series its undeniable charm. Each subsequent release begs the question what will they do next? As the name implies, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell takes the action to the underworld and allows players to explore Satan's stomping grounds in another sandbox adventure. Though the game touts the freedom often associated with this genre, it also limits the size and scope of the experience due to its distinction as a standalone expansion. This allows it to fit in well with the rest of the series, but feels somewhat hollow as a singular experience."


Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell and 5 Times Saints Row Did a Better Job Than GTA

Added: 21.01.2015 9:10 | 8 views | 0 comments

Outside Xbox: Saints Row might have started in 2006 as a tacky Grand Theft Auto rip-off, but in the nine years since it's found a voice of its own, with ever sillier stories and a nice line in cheeky videogame parody. We're not saying it's better than GTA, but it beats its big-budget progenitor on number of counts; discover which in Show of the Week, featuring Saints Row IV 'expandalone' Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell.


Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | Gamerevolution

Added: 21.01.2015 9:10 | 8 views | 0 comments

GR: "Saints Row promotes in-your-face jokes, larger-than-life personalities, and wildly illogical premises as if they're going out of style, but it also lends the series its undeniable charm. Each subsequent release begs the question what will they do next? As the name implies, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell takes the action to the underworld and allows players to explore Satan's stomping grounds in another sandbox adventure. Though the game touts the freedom often associated with this genre, it also limits the size and scope of the experience due to its distinction as a standalone expansion. This allows it to fit in well with the rest of the series, but feels somewhat hollow as a singular experience."


Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell and 5 Times Saints Row Did a Better Job Than GTA

Added: 21.01.2015 9:10 | 6 views | 0 comments

Outside Xbox: Saints Row might have started in 2006 as a tacky Grand Theft Auto rip-off, but in the nine years since it's found a voice of its own, with ever sillier stories and a nice line in cheeky videogame parody. We're not saying it's better than GTA, but it beats its big-budget progenitor on number of counts; discover which in Show of the Week, featuring Saints Row IV 'expandalone' Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell.


Who The Hell Is: Johnny Gat

Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 6 views | 0 comments

Joystiq: "On Tuesday, gamers will be able to go to Hell literally and fight off both Satan himself and hordes of undead in the Saints Row 4 standalone expansion, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell. Previous Saints Row games have allowed players to customize an avatar which, over the course of the series, rises from lowly street thug to President of the United States and even intergalactic badass supreme. Gat Out of Hell though, does not. In Gat Out of Hell, players will be stepping into the shoes of either Kinzie Kensington or Johnny Gat. If you've never played the previous games and don't have either the time or inclination to power through them before the standalone expansion's January 20 release date, you might be asking yourself: who the hell is Johnny Gat?"


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