What Is... Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell?
Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 5 views | 0 comments
Dan joins up with Jonny Gat to take a quick trip around the lovely city called New Hades in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell.
| Review: Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (New Gamer Nation)
Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 17 views | 0 comments
New Gamer Nation writes: "It was around the time that I was batting demonic frat boys with a spiked paddle into goals for points that I understood Volition was keeping in stride with the absurdity of Saints Row 4. Thats not a bad thing in my eyes at all. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell is as crazy as ever. It does well to keep the flavor of the Saints Row series, but thats all you really get from it: a taste. It wets your appetite for something more, but never fully delivers."
| Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | GodisaGeek
Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 20 views | 0 comments
Colm Ahern: "Hell has its ups and its downs. This new environment is something different to traverse, and your newly found wings allow you to glide across the map with ease. But the creative story beats and off-the-wall missions of the series have been replaced with something far less interesting and funny, which is baffling considering the possibilities here. Gat Out Of Hell certainly has its moments, including one five minute scene that had me enthralled and wont leave my memory for quite some time. But theyre far too rare, and I felt like I was going through the motions for the majority of my time in Satans homeland. Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV saw Volition taking Pierce, Shawndi, Gat and co out of their comfort zone, becoming more popular than ever. And while the latest chapter in the saga adds some variety to specific areas, it allows others to become stagnant and even regress. Ah well, two out of three aint bad."
| Review: Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (New Gamer Nation)
Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 18 views | 0 comments
New Gamer Nation writes: "It was around the time that I was batting demonic frat boys with a spiked paddle into goals for points that I understood Volition was keeping in stride with the absurdity of Saints Row 4. Thats not a bad thing in my eyes at all. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell is as crazy as ever. It does well to keep the flavor of the Saints Row series, but thats all you really get from it: a taste. It wets your appetite for something more, but never fully delivers."
| Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | GodisaGeek
Added: 21.01.2015 8:10 | 23 views | 0 comments
Colm Ahern: "Hell has its ups and its downs. This new environment is something different to traverse, and your newly found wings allow you to glide across the map with ease. But the creative story beats and off-the-wall missions of the series have been replaced with something far less interesting and funny, which is baffling considering the possibilities here. Gat Out Of Hell certainly has its moments, including one five minute scene that had me enthralled and wont leave my memory for quite some time. But theyre far too rare, and I felt like I was going through the motions for the majority of my time in Satans homeland. Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV saw Volition taking Pierce, Shawndi, Gat and co out of their comfort zone, becoming more popular than ever. And while the latest chapter in the saga adds some variety to specific areas, it allows others to become stagnant and even regress. Ah well, two out of three aint bad."
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | CheatCC
Added: 21.01.2015 7:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
CheatCC says - "I really love Saints Row. I love what it has become, and I love the continued path it keeps going down. When the first entry came out all those years ago I felt the same as everyone else, but since Saints Row: The Third hit the series has accepted the fact it is not Grand Theft Auto and therefore everything is just tossed to the wind and they are good games. Good solid enjoyable little adventures with nothing too heavy. Youre not saving the world, youre not fighting the oncoming or already happened apocalypse, youre simply taking care of your crew no matter the cost, even if the cost just so happens mean you go to Hell and $%^k everything up."
Tags: Gods, Saints, Thief, When, There, Review, Help, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Yours
| PlayStation Store Update - Jan 20, 2015
Added: 21.01.2015 7:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
PSBlog: Now live on PlayStation Store: Saints Row IV Re-Elected and Gat out of Hell, Resident Evil, a ton of new PS4 themes, and more.
| PS Nation Podcast-Ep407-Funner
Added: 21.01.2015 7:14 | 7 views | 0 comments
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Review of Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
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| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | CheatCC
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 5 views | 0 comments
CheatCC says - "I really love Saints Row. I love what it has become, and I love the continued path it keeps going down. When the first entry came out all those years ago I felt the same as everyone else, but since Saints Row: The Third hit the series has accepted the fact it is not Grand Theft Auto and therefore everything is just tossed to the wind and they are good games. Good solid enjoyable little adventures with nothing too heavy. Youre not saving the world, youre not fighting the oncoming or already happened apocalypse, youre simply taking care of your crew no matter the cost, even if the cost just so happens mean you go to Hell and $%^k everything up."
Tags: Gods, Saints, Thief, When, There, Review, Help, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Yours
| PlayStation Store Update - Jan 20, 2015
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 2 views | 0 comments
PSBlog: Now live on PlayStation Store: Saints Row IV Re-Elected and Gat out of Hell, Resident Evil, a ton of new PS4 themes, and more.
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