PS Nation Podcast-Ep407-Funner
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 5 views | 0 comments
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Rock Band hopes stem from an online survey
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Review of Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
Comedian is Brian Posehn
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | CheatCC
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
CheatCC says - "I really love Saints Row. I love what it has become, and I love the continued path it keeps going down. When the first entry came out all those years ago I felt the same as everyone else, but since Saints Row: The Third hit the series has accepted the fact it is not Grand Theft Auto and therefore everything is just tossed to the wind and they are good games. Good solid enjoyable little adventures with nothing too heavy. Youre not saving the world, youre not fighting the oncoming or already happened apocalypse, youre simply taking care of your crew no matter the cost, even if the cost just so happens mean you go to Hell and $%^k everything up."
Tags: Gods, Saints, Thief, When, There, Review, Help, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Yours
| PlayStation Store Update - Jan 20, 2015
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
PSBlog: Now live on PlayStation Store: Saints Row IV Re-Elected and Gat out of Hell, Resident Evil, a ton of new PS4 themes, and more.
| PS Nation Podcast-Ep407-Funner
Added: 21.01.2015 4:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
New Releases
Rock Band hopes stem from an online survey
Dying Lights physical release delayed in some countries
The 10% PSN discount happens this weekend
Borderlands new HD Hotness
What were playing and watching
Review of Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
Comedian is Brian Posehn
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review "Short But Sinfully Sweet" | Power Up Gaming
Added: 21.01.2015 2:10 | 34 views | 0 comments
Adam Shepherd writes: "I've never really 'got' Johnny Gat. Maybe it's because I came into the Saints Row series at number three, but it never really sold me on how heart-stoppingly awesome he was supposed to be. This is a slight shame, as that's the plot of Saints Row IV's standalone expansion, Gat Out of Hell, more than anything else. Yeah, alright, it's technically about the boss of the Saints getting dragged to Hell, but really, it mainly consists of 'Johnny Gat, Unstoppable God-King of the Universe'."
| Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Review | CheatCC
Added: 21.01.2015 2:10 | 9 views | 0 comments
CheatCC says - "I have to preface this with a disclaimer. I am a huge Saints Row fan. But be that as it may, I had to really put my inner fanboy aside as I played through this next-gen update to Saints Row IV. I wont lie to you. I was a little more than excited to find out that I was going to be reviewing this game. Ever since I traded up from the PS3 to my PS4, I have often felt a little sad that I couldnt get up with my homies and go raise some hell in Steelport. But now that its finally available for play on the PS4 and Xbox One, I really had high hopes for what I would see. But tragically, I was a little let down by the apparent lack of concern for what fans might think. Did they really think that a rehashed version, booted up to the PS4 and Xbox One would satisfy us? Well, my answer is sort of."
| Saints Row Re-elected Gat out of Hell Reviewed - Nerd Rock from the Sun
Added: 21.01.2015 2:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
Nerd Rock from the Sun writes: "Saints Row and all associated madness has landed on next gen consoles with a release that packs a whole lot of content into a neat little package.
"The only question to answer now is, does it also pack the necessary punch to go with it?"
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review "Short But Sinfully Sweet" | Power Up Gaming
Added: 21.01.2015 2:10 | 8 views | 0 comments
Adam Shepherd writes: "I've never really 'got' Johnny Gat. Maybe it's because I came into the Saints Row series at number three, but it never really sold me on how heart-stoppingly awesome he was supposed to be. This is a slight shame, as that's the plot of Saints Row IV's standalone expansion, Gat Out of Hell, more than anything else. Yeah, alright, it's technically about the boss of the Saints getting dragged to Hell, but really, it mainly consists of 'Johnny Gat, Unstoppable God-King of the Universe'."
| Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | Digital Chumps
Added: 21.01.2015 0:11 | 5 views | 0 comments
"Gat out of Hell hastily assembles Saints Row ephemera into an anxious, off-key rendition of its recent brilliance.
By tying humor and outrageous context to its moving parts, Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV became viable systems in the modern open-world paradigm. Gat out of Hell (mostly) forgets all of this, sheds (mostly) all of its psychotic humor, and bolts on (mostly) dated mechanics. Its intended function may be a stop-gap between major iterations, but its execution feels like a failed audition against its recent past."
| Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review Players Be Satan | Thejimquisition
Added: 21.01.2015 0:11 | 24 views | 0 comments
"Its hardly surprising to hear rumors that Saints Row may be planning to reboot itself at some time in the future. The series love of escalation has reached a point where extremities are severely hard to come by. During the course of Saints Row 4, players got to become the president, fight an alien invasion, deal with the potential destruction of the human race, and acquire super powers in a digitally reconstructed cyber city. Where exactly do you go from there? Volition has done an impeccable job of becoming more ludicrous, more shameless, and more empowering with each iteration, and there are few places left to go anymore.
Well, I suppose theres always Hell."
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