Saint’s Row IV: Gat Out of Hell Re-elected Review – STN
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 16 views | 0 comments
STN: Why aren't comedies held in the same regard as deep story-driven titles? Why are tears of sadness worth more than tears of laughter? That's the question I had at the end of Saints Row IV Re-Elected and Gat Out of Hell. A complex narrative, and a world full of lore, is great when you're in the right mood, but what [...] Via Saint's Row IV: Gat Out of Hell & Re-elected Review - STN
| Saints Row IV: Re-Elected/Gat Out of Hell Xbox One Review: Bundle of Fun | USGamer
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 11 views | 0 comments
USG: "I'm flying out of the belly of a giant mothership. Haddaway's cheese-tastic 90's house classic, "What is Love" is blaring, and I'm being told to do a barrel roll. Based on the insane events leading up to this moment, I knew I already liked Saints Row IV, but now I love it. This is one batshit crazy game, with a [...] Via Saints Row IV: Re-Elected/Gat Out of Hell Xbox One Review: Bundle of Fun | USGamer
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review – n3rdabl3
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 10 views | 0 comments
n3rdabl3: "I've always been intrigued by the Saints Row series but I've never actually played it. It's mostly because I don't like to admit that I still find people getting kicked in the nuts, fart jokes, dildos, and more, funny - even though I do. So I was a little apprehensive about picking up the new standalone game from the Saints [...] Via Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review - n3rdabl3
| Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review [The Metropolist]
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 6 views | 0 comments
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell kicks off with some really brilliant jokes (a "juju" board that laughs at you by spelling out H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A), and pretty quickly launches you, in the form of Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington, into Hell with the plan to punch Satan right in between the eyes. It's a sort of hallucinogenic hybrid of the best bits [...] Via Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell Review [The Metropolist]
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is a smaller, less refined Saints Row IV | Venturebeat
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 14 views | 0 comments
VB: "Publishers are figuring out that they can get more attention for their downloadable content if they sell it as a standalone product. That's what publisher Deep Silver is attempting with Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, and it's time to find out if it works. It's a $20 game that follows the story of a pair of Saints Row gang [...] Via Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is a smaller, less refined Saints Row IV | Venturebeat
| Five things we’re excited to see in Gat out of Hell
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 6 views | 0 comments
GameZone: "Easily two of my favorite characters from the Saints Row franchise, Gat out of Hell lets you play as either, or both, in your adventure to save the boss from the depths of hell. Johnny Gat is a brash, loud-mouthed, hot-headed Saint with an itchy trigger finger. Comparatively, a bit more reserved, but perhaps equally as cocky, Kinzie is not [...] Via Five things we’re excited to see in Gat out of Hell
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | GiantBomb
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 12 views | 0 comments
GB: "Saints Row IV took the Third Street Saints to their inevitably insane conclusion. The franchise started as a more lighthearted GTA clone, found its wacky identity with the sequel, went further with dildo bats and celebrity cameos in 2011's Saints Row: The Third, and threw superpowers in the mix two years later with the fourth entry. Fans started the series [...] Via Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Review | GiantBomb
| Saints Row IV Re-Elected Review: PS4 MORE YEARS | WASDuk
Added: 20.01.2015 13:24 | 23 views | 0 comments
Gareth from WASDuk writes "At a mere thirty notes, and with the inclusion of the new hell-bound spin off - Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, the entire package is a pretty enticing one for fans of the series who traded in their PS3/360 in the rush to go next-gen. Likewise, if you missed it the first time around Re-elected is [...] Via Saints Row IV Re-Elected Review: PS4 MORE YEARS | WASDuk
| Saints Row Gat Out of Hell Walkthrough
Added: 20.01.2015 12:11 | 7 views | 0 comments
GamingSoFar: After the space faring antics of Saints Row IV, many fans asked what we could do next the answer? Shoot The Devil in the face. Play as either Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington as you tear apart Hell in a quest to save the leader of the Saints soul. Historical icons, old friends, older enemies, a talking gun, a full length musical number, and a whole lot of other shenanigans all await you in the open world standalone expansion playground that is Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell.
| Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Walkthrough Guide
Added: 20.01.2015 6:14 | 9 views | 0 comments
GotGame writes: "Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is the latest instalment in the Saints Row series. Follow us straight to hell, where we take the role of Johnny Gat and take over the city."
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