Saturday, 01 March 2025
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Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 05.06.2015 18:16 | 11 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy is a 3D pseudo-turn based tactical space strategy title from our good friends at Slitherine Ltd and Black Lab Games. Placing you in command of a fleet of warships, Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy takes place after humanity left a dying earth in the 22nd century, during what has been called The Second Contact War. Spanning over 60 missions of pauseable real-time space strategy combat, or through custom skirmish matches, Star Hammer throws you to the wolves in an epic space battle where you can watch your orders play out in real-time.


Japanese Nintendo Direct, Nintendo Direct Micro reaction

Added: 04.06.2015 20:16 | 20 views | 0 comments

NE: "Its only been a few days since the last Just a Chat, but Daan and I thought itd be appropriate to hold another discussion in light of the big Nintendo news thats come in over the past couple of days. There were actually two new Nintendo Directs to chat about! And that means talk relating to the new Chibi-Robo, Monster Hunter games, Bravely Second for the west, and much more."


Is Fallout 4 Set After A Second Apocalypse?

Added: 04.06.2015 14:16 | 10 views | 0 comments

Play: "Could Fallout 4 be set after a second nuclear apocalypse? We explain our theory as to why that could explain what we see in the Fallout 4 trailer"


Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess - 30 Second Ad

Added: 03.06.2015 23:19 | 14 views | 0 comments

A quick 30 second teaser advert for Koei Tecmo's weird and wonderful looking Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess for Playstation.


The Unlikely Story of Microsoft's Surprise Minecraft Buyout

Added: 03.06.2015 13:16 | 20 views | 0 comments

Microsofts $2.5 billion purchase of Mojang and Minecraft last September, one of the biggest acquisitions in gaming history, stunned the games millions of fans. It also was a big, though not entirely pleasant, surprise for Mojangs employees. Daniel Goldberg and Linus Larsson, authors of the definitive history of the game, have updated the book to include the final days of Mojangs independence. Minecraft: The Unlikely Tale of Markus Notch Persson and the Game that Changed Everything: Second Edition will be available from Seven Stories Press on June 16. This exclusive excerpt reveals how Mojangs employees learned of the sale, and what happened when Microsoft descended upon their office in Stockholm.


Scourge of War: Waterloo Second Video Dev Diary

Added: 02.06.2015 12:27 | 7 views | 0 comments

The producer of Scourge of War: Waterloo talks about the formation system and the way to maintain coherency within an army

Tags: Video, Second

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