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15 Secrets Hidden in Destiny: The Taken King's We Are Guardians Trailer

Added: 10.08.2015 23:56 | 40 views | 0 comments

A New Trailer

Destiny: The Taken King launches on September 15, and it'll feature a whole new story about Oryx, father of Crota, and his army of Taken. Developer Bungie recently released a trailer called "We Are Guardians," which shows off some of what players can expect from the new expansion. It has a lot of hints about the story, so we've made a gallery to analyze all of the secrets that appear in the video.

You'll Play on Phobos, a Moon of Mars

The trailer shows a player's ship flying toward Phobos, one of the moons of Mars. The first mission of The Taken King's story takes place on Phobos, and it introduces the Taken, an enemy that has massacred the Cabal and has come to war against Guardians and the Awoken.

The Expansion Will Take You to Saturn

Although Saturn's never been featured in the game before, it is in Destiny's Grimoire story compendium. Now, it seems that The Taken King will take you to the planet. The trailer shows a Guardian's ship flying toward the planet in the same way as in loading screens in the base game. Notably, Saturn's rings have a massive hole blasted in them, likely due to the war Oryx has brought to the solar system in his quest for vengeance following the defeat and death of his son, Crota, in The Dark Below.

Oryx, The Taken King, Is Quite the Enemy

Oryx has come from the depths of space to wage war against Guardians and the Cabal. He has brought a huge army of Taken, and in this image, he commands his fleet from his flagship, the Dreadnaught.

The Dreadnaught Has a Lot of Power

The flagship will play a pivotal role in The Taken King: It is the new explorable location. Players will be able to complete quests and patrol missions throughout the ship. In this screenshot, the Dreadnaught charges its main weapon to fight against the forces of the Awoken Queen, who has marshaled her fleet to meet the Taken army.

Oryx Decimates the Queen's Fleet in the Dreadnaught

The Dreadnaught obviously has massive power, as it's able to sweep aside the Queen's ships with its blast. Considering the ship's capabilities, it will be interesting to learn how Guardians got into the ship in order to explore it and take down Oryx.

Oryx's Has Force-Like Powers

The King of the Taken has magical abilities in addition to a massive space fleet. He is shown here using a magical force to incapacitate a Guardian.

A Captured Guardian Fights Back Against Oryx

Although Oryx has the ability to use invisible forces, somehow the incapacitated Guardians manages to pull out a pistol and fight back--though it's unclear exactly how (or if) a handgun can damage a being as powerful as Oryx.

It Looks Like There'll Be Platforming Missions at the Cosmodrome

The trailer shows a gameplay segment that takes place in the Cosmodrome, the first explorable location in the main game. The expansion looks like it takes players up into the towers at the Cosmodrome for platforming sequences.

There's a Cool New Helmet With Antlers on It

The Taken King comes with a lot of new gear, and one of the new head pieces will be this strange-looking helm with antlers on it. There's no word yet on what it's called or what it does, but it'll be a Warlock helmet.

The Devil's Lair Strike Is Being Revisited

This is the first look at one of the revised Strikes coming in The Taken King. The expansion will feature three old Strikes that have been reworked to include the Taken instead of the normal enemies. As shown in this screenshot, the Devil's Lair strike will be one of the missions getting a revision.

The Awoken Have Taken Over a Fallen Ketch Ship

A distinctive Fallen flagship is shown flying toward the space battle with Oryx, flanked by ships of the Awoken Queen's fleet. This suggests that, following the events of the House of Wolves expansion, the Queen has taken control of one of the Fallen's ships and is using it to fight.

There Are Multiple Dreadnaughts Fighting in the War

Although Oryx's Dreadnaught will be the focus of the expansion, the King of the Taken appears to have brought several other Dreadnaughts along with him to invade the solar system. This suggests that Oryx has several commanders and officers under him controlling parts of his fleet.

Going Inside a Ship, and a New Voice for the Ghost

The trailer also shows the interior of a Guardian's ship. The ships you get as a player are very seldom featured in the base game; they exist almost exclusively as cosmetic items. This shot also shows the Ghost, your companion in the game. The Ghost will be voiced by Nolan North after the expansion launches. Peter Dinklage, the original voice of the companion, is being completely replaced in the game.

Inside the Guardian's Ship

This is a shot of the Guardian pushing his ship's throttle forward. The appearance of the ship's interior hints that Guardian vessels could play more prominent roles in The Taken King.

There's an Absolutely Massive Space Battle Happening

The fight with Oryx looks like a war on a bigger scale than anything we've seen in Destiny before. It's huge, and from the scenes in the screenshot, it involves a lot of different fleets and armies. The space war could just be a cinematic set-piece moment, or it could play a recurring role throughout the events of the expansion.

From: www.gamespot.com

Metal Gear Solid V: 7 Big Questions We Cant Wait To See Answered

Added: 10.08.2015 23:20 | 3 views | 0 comments

WC September 1st, 2015 is the date the final Metal Gear Solid drops, as although Konami have confirmed theyll be continuing the series with an all-new team of developers and creative minds, gamers the world over know its forever been Hideo Kojimas baby, and if hes gone, the next iteration will be Metal Gear in name only.

From: n4g.com

The Danger of Metal Gear Solid V’s PC Port Being Released Early

Added: 08.08.2015 17:54 | 17 views | 0 comments

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain had its release date announced six months ago. On March 3, Konami announced that MGSV was - and as of writing, still is - to release on September 1 for the Xbox One and 360, as well as for PlayStation 3 and 4. The next day Konami UK, via Twitter - and without any [...] Via The Danger of Metal Gear Solid V's PC Port Being Released Early

From: videogames.gameguidedog.com

The Danger of Metal Gear Solid V's PC Port Being Released Early

Added: 08.08.2015 4:20 | 13 views | 0 comments

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain had its release date announced six months ago. On March 3, Konami announced that MGSV was and as of writing, still is to release on September 1 for the Xbox One and 360, as well as for PlayStation 3 and 4. The next day Konami UK, via Twitter and without any explanation declared that MGSV for PC would release two weeks after the console versions, on the date of September 15.

From: n4g.com

Improve Your Night Time Play With Battlefield 4: Night Operations

Added: 07.08.2015 23:04 | 28 views | 0 comments

Hey there, lonely boys and girls spending your evenings playing video games alone. The team at DICE wants to spice up your night life with some hot new Battlefield 4 action specifically designed to be enjoyed with the lights turned down low. Get ready for “Night Operations,” guaranteed to show you a good time as part of the upcoming September update.

From: www.cinemablend.com

Act of Aggression gamescom 2015 Cartel Faction Gameplay Trailer

Added: 07.08.2015 19:54 | 19 views | 0 comments

Pre-order on Steam (15% off + immediate Beta Access): http://store.steampowered.com/app/318020/ Eugen Systems' pre-order beta on Steam for techno-thriller RTS Act of Aggression has been taking the internet by storm, with players enjoying before release the Chimera and US Army factions in the game. Now, a new faction is in town and rearing to get into the fight: The Cartel, a Private Military Company sporting the world's most elusive prototypical technology, showcased in today's new video! Big consumers of Aluminum (one of the games primary resources), the Cartel's base is a mineral hungry power-house, but their units are not, relying on raw cash to expand their military operations. Sleek, black, prototypical units and infantry will make up the bulk of your army, able to cloak themselves as you research through the Private Military (its legal front), and Block Ops tech trees. Today's content update also includes an increased zoom-out function, following the players' feedback. Zoom-out 30-40% further and see more of the battlefield, alongside a a dedicated button for satellite view, so you'll miss none of the action in Act of Aggression's latest exciting patch. Pre-order now to jump right in before the September 2nd release on Steam! Along with the Cartel, players will also now get access

From: www.gamershell.com

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