Destiny the Taken King and 5 Reasons To Maybe Not Change Your Voice Actor
Added: 18.09.2015 18:19 | 90 views | 0 comments
OX writes: "Destiny expansion The Taken King is the nearest thing to Destiny 2 we've had so far, coming after more limited DLC packs The Dark Below and House of Wolves. It brings a new location, more missions, more subclasses and, controversially, less Peter Dinklage. Show of the Week examines The Taken King and reasons to consider not swapping out your voice actor, game developers."
| Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey TGS 2015 Video and Screens
Added: 18.09.2015 16:38 | 70 views | 0 comments
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey is currently on display at Tokyo Game Show 2015, taking place at Makuhari Messe from Sept. 17 - 20, 2015
| Destiny the Taken King and 5 Reasons To Maybe Not Change Your Voice Actor
Added: 18.09.2015 16:17 | 74 views | 0 comments
OX writes: "Destiny expansion The Taken King is the nearest thing to Destiny 2 we've had so far, coming after more limited DLC packs The Dark Below and House of Wolves. It brings a new location, more missions, more subclasses and, controversially, less Peter Dinklage. Show of the Week examines The Taken King and reasons to consider not swapping out your voice actor, game developers."
| PS4 Doubles Its Games Count At TGS 2015 Followed By Vita, Up YOY; More Than 100 PS4 Games Showcased
Added: 18.09.2015 16:17 | 39 views | 0 comments
PS4 has proven its popularity at the currently on-going Tokyo Game Show 2015 by having more than 100 games being showcased at the tradeshow. This is up massively over last years TGS, where PS4 had less than 50 games showcased at the tradeshow.
| Destiny the Taken King and 5 Reasons To Maybe Not Change Your Voice Actor
Added: 18.09.2015 16:17 | 14 views | 0 comments
OX writes: "Destiny expansion The Taken King is the nearest thing to Destiny 2 we've had so far, coming after more limited DLC packs The Dark Below and House of Wolves. It brings a new location, more missions, more subclasses and, controversially, less Peter Dinklage. Show of the Week examines The Taken King and reasons to consider not swapping out your voice actor, game developers."
| Sony Takes its Tokyo Game Shows Lovely Booth Ladies Very Seriously: Check Out Their Closing Parade
Added: 18.09.2015 15:17 | 71 views | 0 comments
While in the west the concept of booth babes has been reviled by hostile media, in Asia and Japan its still very popular. Tokyo Game Show is no exception, and pretty much every publisher has its booth ladies, or Booth Companions as they are named locally.
Some are in cosplay, while others wear outfits representing the brand. Some developers have just one or two, while publishers may have a small army. Sony Computer Entertainment takes it to a whole different level.
| Cosplay and costumes at Tokyo Game Show 2015: day one
Added: 18.09.2015 14:17 | 29 views | 0 comments
"There are so many good looking people at Tokyo Game Show that it's hard to focus on the more important six new seasonal varieties of Boss coffee that we haven't tried yet. Granted, these are professional cosplayers and booth attendees: we haven't even gotten to the madness that is consumer day, where my gaijin ass absolutely does not belong. Last year some people were very upset at me so I've met you halfway this year by not forcing you to explain how satire works to random people that surfed in from a soft porn search."
| The Many Sights of Tokyo Game Show 2015
Added: 18.09.2015 14:17 | 67 views | 0 comments
The Kotaku East crew is on site at this years Tokyo Game Show, trying the games, reporting news, and snapping photos. Copious amounts of photos.
| Bloodborne's two planned DLC packs have been combined in the epic The Old Hunters
Added: 18.09.2015 13:17 | 17 views | 0 comments
The Old Hunters, Bloodborne's much anticipated add-on that's due out this November, sees what was originally planned as two DLC packs combined for one single expansion - and it sounds like it's the last DLC for From Software's PS4 exclusive.
"We were originally planning on doing two sets of DLC," Masaaki Yamagiwa, Sony Japan's producer for Bloodborne, told Eurogamer at Tokyo Game Show today. "It was decided that with one set, we'd be able to do more with it, and have more volume for players to play with. As of right now, we have no plans for any more DLC."
| Black Sails - The Ghost Ship Released on Steam
Added: 18.09.2015 11:59 | 112 views | 0 comments
Best played with the lights turned off and the volume turned up
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