Gaming wise 2013 was great (even though SimCity tried to tarnish it), we had studios who pushed the envelope on a last generation of consoles and stories were told that rivaled movies and books. A new era of systems entered the fray and we even saw yet another Call of Duty. Personally 2013 was the year that he strived and succeeded to play quite a bit of games. He dipped his toe in the open world genre, comboed his way through some action adventures and even took another crack at JRPGs.
Gaming wise 2013 was great (even though SimCity tried to tarnish it), we had studios who pushed the envelope on a last generation of consoles and stories were told that rivaled movies and books. A new era of systems entered the fray and we even saw yet another Call of Duty. Personally 2013 was the year that he strived and succeeded to play quite a bit of games. He dipped his toe in the open world genre, comboed his way through some action adventures and even took another crack at JRPGs.