H1Z1, PlanetSide 2 DDoS'ed in Latest Apparent Lizard Squad Attack
Added: 10.07.2015 12:44 | 47 views | 0 comments
Not long after Daybreak CEO John Smedley in which he again speaks out against Kivimaki, his sentence, and the legal action he plans to take against Kivimaki and other hackers. "I'm extremely angry that the Finnish justice system chose to let Julius Kivimaki off with a two-year suspended sentence. This guy is the worst kind of bad news," Smedley started off. "He's been involved for years in every kind of terrible thing you can imagine including Carding, hacking, swatting people all over the world," he added. "He's also participated in a major way in DDOS attacks that caused a lot of grief for gamers and a lot of economic damage to the companies that make and run games." Smedley went on to detail some of the harassment he attributes to Kivimaki. In addition to the grounding of his flight due to a fake bomb threat, Smedley claims that Kivimaki and others sent him "pictures of my father's grave with nasty stuff on it." In addition, Smedley said his entire credit history has been published online, along with his Social Security Number and his family's personal information. On top of that, Smedley claims he has been "swatted" multiple times and that Kivimaki and company even filed false tax returns on Smedley's behalf. "So to put this bluntly, I want this kid in jail for a long time," Smedley said. "You shouldn't be able to do crap like this without any hint of a consequence. I plan on doing everything in my power to see him get what's coming to him in court one way or another. What he just got convicted of were over 50,000 separate incidents of hacking and other nastiness. This has nothing to do with the downing of the plane or the DDoS stuff he did or the things he did to me (not just me btw he did this to a lot of other people too). Those cases are still pending, but they have him dead to rights." "So you guys can debate this... and that's all well and good, but meanwhile this sh** is real to my life and my family's life and I'm sure as hell not lying down for it for a second," he added. "I've been working with law enforcement to put him and others into jail where they belong. Some of them are minors which makes it tough. Most of them are outside the US, which makes it tougher. But I'm patient and I'm going to be relentless about this."