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Skylanders Trap Team Review | Mouse N Joypad

Added: 25.10.2014 0:12 | 3 views | 0 comments

Mouse N Joypad puts the Portal of Power in the hands of 8-year old JJ to see how Skylanders' target audience responds to the series' latest innovation.


Skylanders Trap Team Review | Xbox World Australia

Added: 24.10.2014 20:17 | 3 views | 0 comments

XWA: "Its easy to begin to feel jaded about the money-grabbing nature of Skylanders once youve played it for a few years, but that side of it is all the more forgivable when the quality of the product continues to improve. Trap Team ably demonstrates that Skylanders is still king of interactive figurine games, leaving the licensed let down of Disney Infinity 2.0 flailing in its wake. Its the longest, most challenging and greatest Skylanders yet, and a sure sign the series (hopefully) has a good few years left in it yet."


Skylanders Trap Team Review | RETRO

Added: 23.10.2014 8:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

RETRO: "Even though toy-based gaming isn't as exotic as it once was, Skylanders: Trap Team proves that the series still has what it takes to be the king of the interactive collectible figure market."


Skylanders Trap Team Review | The Leet

Added: 23.10.2014 0:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

The Leet: "Skylanders: Trap Team is the latest outing for the franchise and to be honest at first glance it doesn`t offer anything new, yet delve deeper and you will see that there are a number of innovations that raise the bar even further, and is an important step forward."


Skylanders Trap Team Review | BioGamer Girl

Added: 21.10.2014 17:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

BGG: "The Skylanders series just seems to be getting better and better with the launch of Skylanders Trap Team. The new title introduces all new playable characters with the Trap Masters, Minis and playable villains. Players will have tons of character options to explore the new game with, and there are several new mini-games that add a whole lot more excitement to the game including the Kaos Doom Challenge and Skylanders Skystones Smash. Skylanders Trap Team is a fun game for all age groups, and it should once again be one of the most popular video game purchases this holiday season. Skylanders Trap Team proves that being bad is too fun to resist."


Skylanders Trap Team Review | BioGamer Girl

Added: 21.10.2014 17:12 | 6 views | 0 comments

BGG: "The Skylanders series just seems to be getting better and better with the launch of Skylanders Trap Team. The new title introduces all new playable characters with the Trap Masters, Minis and playable villains. Players will have tons of character options to explore the new game with, and there are several new mini-games that add a whole lot more excitement to the game including the Kaos Doom Challenge and Skylanders Skystones Smash. Skylanders Trap Team is a fun game for all age groups, and it should once again be one of the most popular video game purchases this holiday season. Skylanders Trap Team proves that being bad is too fun to resist."


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