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Skylanders: Trap Team Review by The Black Panel

Added: 21.10.2014 12:12 | 9 views | 0 comments

The Black Panel writes: nother year and another Skylanders game appears to steal the hearts of children and the bank balances of parents. The actual game is a tight platforming experience with wonderful characters and some entertaining mini games. However with this iteration the money grabbing elements are more aggressive than ever. Its still a lot of fun, but be prepared to say the word no a lot if you buy Trap Team for the little ones.


CGM Reviews: Skylanders Trap Team

Added: 21.10.2014 11:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

Its hard to believe its been four years since Activision unleashed the parental nightmare and shockingly successful Skylanders: Spyros Adventure. Three sequels later, its clear the series is still going strong. Skylanders: Trap Team is the most ambitious yet, sporting a brand new portal and bevy of new characters to collect.


Skylanders Trap Team: Adventure Packs Review | BioGamer Girl

Added: 20.10.2014 21:12 | 62 views | 0 comments

BGG: "Skylanders Trap Team is already a fantastic game, and Nightmare Express and Mirror of Mystery Adventure Packs adds even more fun content to the title. Nightmare Express is worth the asking price for fans of the series, but Mirror of Mystery is easily the best of the two releases and is almost an essential addition for Skylanders Trap Team."


ADG Short And Simple Review: Skylanders Trap Team (Nintendo 3DS/2DS) | EGM

Added: 20.10.2014 7:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

ADG reviews Skylanders: Trap Team for Nintendo 3DS/2DS.


Skylanders Trap Team Review: Peak of Perfection | Technology Tell

Added: 18.10.2014 1:16 | 2 views | 0 comments

Technology Tell writes, "Its finally time to play Skylanders. No more complaining about how a new iteration appears every year. Dont turn your nose up at people who rush out to Toys R Us every time a new wave of figures has been released. Stop acting like youre too old to play a game that relies heavily on NFC figures. Its time to start playing the game everyone else has been raving about for years, because Skylanders Trap Team is the best NFC game were going to get."


Skylanders Trap Team Review | Gameplanet Australia

Added: 18.10.2014 1:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

Alan Bell: "Skylanders: Trap Team is packed full of clever ideas and sharp design. It's well presented and well executed, but be warned: if you let your guard down, it'll also crit your credit card for massive damage."


Skylanders Trap Team Review: Peak of Perfection | Technology Tell

Added: 18.10.2014 0:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

Technology Tell writes, "Its finally time to play Skylanders. No more complaining about how a new iteration appears every year. Dont turn your nose up at people who rush out to Toys R Us every time a new wave of figures has been released. Stop acting like youre too old to play a game that relies heavily on NFC figures. Its time to start playing the game everyone else has been raving about for years, because Skylanders Trap Team is the best NFC game were going to get."


Skylanders Trap Team Review: Peak of Perfection | Technology Tell

Added: 18.10.2014 0:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

Technology Tell writes, "Its finally time to play Skylanders. No more complaining about how a new iteration appears every year. Dont turn your nose up at people who rush out to Toys R Us every time a new wave of figures has been released. Stop acting like youre too old to play a game that relies heavily on NFC figures. Its time to start playing the game everyone else has been raving about for years, because Skylanders Trap Team is the best NFC game were going to get."


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