Sony Will Show More PS4 Games Other Than Quantic Dream's At Paris Games Week, More Details - Rumour
Added: 19.09.2015 21:17 | 67 views | 0 comments
Sony is rumored to have a big presence at the show.
| NVC: A New Nintendo President and Star Fox Zero's Delay
Added: 19.09.2015 20:21 | 45 views | 0 comments
Some big changes are happening at Nintendo. Join IGN charismatic crew as they discuss Kimishima's appointment as the new head of Nintendo, Star Fox's delay, and more.
| [VC] Crossroad Crisis - The game that gets you chicks
Added: 19.09.2015 20:17 | 56 views | 0 comments
Some games get ported to modern consoles for no comprehensible reason. What the heck is Crossroad Crisis and what's it doing on my PlayStation 3? Well, it's actually a surprisingly fun little puzzler that's worth checking out.
| Sony Is Removing Facebook Support From Several Devices
Added: 19.09.2015 14:48 | 87 views | 0 comments
 We have some bad news for those of you who like to stay active on social media through every electronic device imaginable: Sony will soon discontinue Facebook support on both the PlayStation 3, PlayStation TV and PlayStation Vita.
| 5 Great Value PS4 Games
Added: 19.09.2015 14:17 | 95 views | 0 comments
PS4News: "You can now pick-up some of the original titles at a much smaller price. Some publishers have also released games at a dramatically lower cost."
| See Some Guy Play Summer Lesson for Almost 4 Minutes (And I Might be on Taiwan TV Doing the Same?)
Added: 19.09.2015 14:00 | 407 views | 0 comments
Summer Lesson is a VR game in which you play a language teacher. You're so good at language that all you can do is shake your head yes and no. A real pro. I see why these girls hired you.
So here's some guy playing it for a few minutes. When I played, I was of course talking quite loudly to the VR machine and quite animated. Most people, however, are not as crowd pleasing. For this, the universe apologizes.
| Watch Trico Kinda Ignore People at TGS 2015
Added: 19.09.2015 9:41 | 303 views | 0 comments
The 2015 Tokyo Game Show had a life-sized Trico (the monster from The Last Guardian), which may or may not have cared about your presence.
Don't Ignore:
Ace Attorney 6 Hands-On
Dark Souls III Hands-On
Tokyo Game Show Podcast: Sony Presser Reaction
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