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PlayStation Store Global Update (US, EU, HK, JP South East Asia) August 25, 2015

Added: 26.08.2015 3:18 | 17 views | 0 comments

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.


PlayStation Retro Sale Ready for PAX

Added: 26.08.2015 2:00 | 102 views | 0 comments

One of the best parts of PAX is all of the swag and awesome deals, and the PlayStation Store is bringing it all back with its Retro Sale ending August 31 at 9am PST.

Discounting an extensive list of games up to 80 percent off, with 10 percent extra for PS Plus members, the Retro Sale will give Sony Rewards members three times the points. Below is an edited list of the best video game offers available, with the price in brackets being the PS Plus price. Beyond: Two Souls - $19.99 $8.00 [$6.00]
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - $9.99 $4.99 [$3.99]
Child of Light - $14.99 $6.00 [$4.50]
Cloudberry Kingdom - $9.99 $3.50 [$2.50]
Grim Fandango Remastered - $14.99 $7.50 [$6.00]
Hotline Miami - $9.99 $4.99 [$3.00]
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood - $14.99 $8.99 [$7.49]
Retro City Rampage DX - $9.99 $5.00 [$4.00]
Rogue Legacy - $16.99 $8.50 [$6.80]
SteamWorld Dig - $9.99 $4.00 [$3.00]
TowerFall Ascension - $14.99 $6.00 [$4.50] For a longer list of video game and movie offers in the Retro Sale, you can check out the official post on the PlayStation blog.


Pillars of Eternity The White March: Part 1 Launch Trailer

Added: 25.08.2015 17:44 | 23 views | 0 comments

Play it now: “The White March: Part I” is the first addition to thecritically acclaimed game, and includes an extensive array of new dynamic content for both Pillars of Eternity veterans and newcomers. White March expands the story and experience of the original game, adding new locations, quests, and companions to the world of Eora, as well as new gameplay features such as multi-class abilities, soulbound weapons, and a higher level cap, allowing players new ways to play in all areas of the game. The White March: Part I is available today as an add-on to Pillars of Eternity for Windows, Mac, and Linux PC for #036;14.99. A bundle with Parts I and II is available for #036;24.99, which will grant owners the second installment immediately upon its release. In The White March: Part I, Obsidian Entertainment continues the tale of Pillars of Eternity, an RPG inspired by classics of the computer RPG genre. Featuring an expertly crafted story from Carrie Patel, author of the Recoletta series and writer on the original Pillars of Eternity, and Eric Fenstermaker, lead writer on Pillars of Eternity and one of the co-writers of South Park: The Stick of Truth alongside show creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the new expansion has new lore and challenges to explore. Set during the middle of the original game similar to the classic Tales of the Sword Coast, the new expansion can be experienced regardless if players have completed the core game or not. Players will venture into a new setting inspired by the snowy environments of Icewind Dale, and meet new companions including The Devil of Caroc, a construct rogue, and the scarred monk Zahua. Additionally, players can make use of new advanced party-based AI during combat and other adventuring challenges.


An Open Love Letter to Dark Souls

Added: 25.08.2015 12:20 | 28 views | 0 comments

Graham at GameSpew writes: "I was first introduced to the Dark Souls series by an old housemate who swore by the game. He explained all the complex game mechanics to me, the odd art style and characters, all the quirks and eccentric twists dotted through out the experience, and I just couldnt piece it together in my mind. How can game design be so scattered and frenetic, yet still maintain a coherent theme throughout? Or, if you will, a soul?"


Until Dawn Review | Gaming Nexus

Added: 25.08.2015 9:18 | 62 views | 0 comments

GN: If you're not a fan of quick-time-event-driven games with an emphasis on plot over action (like Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain), then stop reading this right now and go check out another review. Until Dawn is not for you. If you are a fan of that genre of games, then keep reading. Until Dark is an interesting piece of interactive fiction that does a few new things.


Details and images for Collective Minds CronusMaxPLUS with BT Dongle and PS4 Sound Card

Added: 25.08.2015 8:20 | 12 views | 0 comments

New details and images have been listed for the newly-available Collective Minds CronusMaxPLUS with BT Dongle and PS4 Sound Card.


Details and images for Collective Minds CronusMaxPLUS with BT Dongle and PS4 Sound Card

Added: 25.08.2015 5:18 | 12 views | 0 comments

New details and images have been listed for the newly-available Collective Minds CronusMaxPLUS with BT Dongle and PS4 Sound Card.


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