Sword Coast Legends Preview Dungeon Master Done Right | The Koalition
Added: 22.06.2015 3:15 | 12 views | 0 comments
David Jagneaux writes: "If you trace the lineage of every single RPG ever released, especially fantasy games, they will all lead back to Dungeons Dragons at some point. And the lineage goes far beyond that of just the tabletop origins, as DD has firmly established itself as a legend in the video game space as well. Games like Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment, and Temple of Elemental Evil are some of the best RPGs ever made and all of them are rooted in DD lore and systems. Now with the upcoming release of Sword Coast Legends, n-Space and and Digital Extremes are looking to capture that magic once again, but this time, theyve created some brand new elements to enjoy."
Tags: Evil, Games, Space, Preview, Down, Master, Sword, Legends, Digital, Dungeon, Dragons, Dungeons, David
| First Off-Screen Gameplay Footage of Space Hulk: Deathwing, Looks Brutal and Fun
Added: 20.06.2015 15:48 | 0 views | 0 comments
OnlySP: Our E3 representatives got a chance to sit in on a Focus Home Interactive presentation at E3 2015 this week, which provided us with our first look at Space Hulk: Deathwings violent and intense gameplay.
| Tacoma E3 2015 Space Exploration Trailer
Added: 20.06.2015 7:42 | 12 views | 0 comments
Amy Ferrier's first day on Lunar Transfer Station Tacoma is not exactly what she expected. Discover the story of a remote space facility and the crew that lived there in Tacoma, the new game from the creators of Gone Home. Coming to Xbox One and PC/Mac/Linux in 2016. tacoma-game.com
| Vita has sold well in Spain, PlayStation Spain CEO wants support to continue
Added: 20.06.2015 0:16 | 1 views | 0 comments
Turns out Sony's handheld has life outside of Asia, though PlayStation Spain's CEO admits they've done more harm than good to it.
| Kerbal Space Program Preparing to Launch on PS4
Added: 17.06.2015 20:03 | 17 views | 0 comments
Almost five years ago, we began the development of our very first title -- a space program simulator that would showcase the reality of the physics of space exploration. However, we realized that the game's tone would be heavily affected if the player were to have every mistake be followed by the death of a digital human being. Therefore, we needed pilots who would help us somehow change the tone of space exploration.
| Kerbal Space Program Blasting Onto PS4
Added: 17.06.2015 11:53 | 14 views | 0 comments
The Kerbal Space Program developers are teaming up with Flying Tiger Entertainment to bring the game to PS4.
| Sword Coast Legends - The Surprise Stand-out Player Creation Experience of E3 | VGChartz Preview
Added: 17.06.2015 11:16 | 8 views | 0 comments
VGChartz's Jake Weston: "While other player-creation focused tools at this year's E3 such as Super Mario Maker, Doom's level editor, and Media Molecule's Dream have left me feeling ambivalent, Sword Coast Legends Dungeon Master mode has me filled with imagination of what might be possible once it's put in creative players' hands. Whether n-Space will be able to reach their ambition remains to be seen, but what I saw makes me excited to see what will happen once Sword Coast Legends launches September 8, 2015, for PC, Mac, Linux, and sometime Q4 2015 for PS4 and Xbox One."
Tags: Mario, Xbox, Space, While, Master, Dream, Super Mario, Sword, Legends, Dungeon, Media, Played, Creation, Jack, September
| Sword Coast Legends - The Surprise Stand-out Player Creation Experience of E3 | VGChartz Preview
Added: 17.06.2015 10:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
VGChartz's Jake Weston: "While other player-creation focused tools at this year's E3 such as Super Mario Maker, Doom's level editor, and Media Molecule's Dream have left me feeling ambivalent, Sword Coast Legends Dungeon Master mode has me filled with imagination of what might be possible once it's put in creative players' hands. Whether n-Space will be able to reach their ambition remains to be seen, but what I saw makes me excited to see what will happen once Sword Coast Legends launches September 8, 2015, for PC, Mac, Linux, and sometime Q4 2015 for PS4 and Xbox One."
Tags: Mario, Xbox, Space, While, Master, Dream, Super Mario, Sword, Legends, Dungeon, Media, Played, Creation, Jack, September
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