Murdered: Soul Suspect Spooks Japan With Cowboy Bebops Spike Spiegels Voice Actor
Added: 18.04.2014 12:16 | 6 views | 0 comments
Square Enix will release Murdered: Soul Suspect in Japan under the Extreme Edges label. Extreme Edges handles their Western releases like Thief and the Call of Duty series. In Japan, the game is called Murdered: The Souls Voice Calling Out and has Koichi Yamadera voicing dead hardboiled detective Rowan OConnor.
Tags: Thief, Cave, With, Duty, Japan, Souls, Square, Spicy, Enix, Square Enix, Soul
| Review: Dark Souls II | oprainfall
Added: 18.04.2014 1:20 | 6 views | 0 comments
oprainfall writes: "With the success of Dark Souls, a sequel in the making was all but assured. But even before the announcement, even before the beginning of the development saga for Dark Souls II or its Spike TV premiere, it started off hazyeven a bit strange. Right off the bat, there was already skepticism over whether the development team would deliver again, which all started with a mistranslation, of all things. Not to say their criticism or fears were misplaced. On the contrary, there were many great arguments in favor of the series not forgoing the two elements that made it unique difficulty and narrative. The debate persisted for a while until its actual premiere and official announcement, which sparked even further concerns among the fanbase."
| Conception II: Children Of The Seven Stars Review-JPS
Added: 17.04.2014 10:14 | 11 views | 0 comments
"Spike Chunsoft, known recently for their works with various visual and sound novels, have once again tried their hand at the role-playing genre. Published by Atlus and released on both the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita, Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars marks the second time players have become a scion of the Star God, tasked with creating Star Children to become warriors of peace. The second entry in the series streamlines many of the mechanics and elements from the first game, but does that make it a better experience?"
| Conception II Given a May Due Date for Europe
Added: 17.04.2014 9:14 | 12 views | 0 comments
European gamers looking to get in on some hot and heavy classmating action wont have to wait too long. Spike Chunsofts quirky RPG, Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars will be making its debut in Europe next month. The games publisher Atlus confirmed today that the game will be seeing a May release, with the demo rolling out on the European eShop sometime beforehand, though no official dates have been set.
| Review: Conception II Classmating With This Game Results in Good Star Children | DualShockers
Added: 15.04.2014 17:14 | 10 views | 0 comments
Allisa James from DualShockers reviews Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars for 3DS and PS Vita, developed by Spike Chunsoft and published by Atlus USA.
Check out how her "Classmating" session with the dating-sim/JRPG title produced much better Star Children than she thought.
| Band of Monsters is a beast-grabbing JRPG for Android from Kemco that riffs on Pokémon
Added: 15.04.2014 11:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
Kemco JRPG. Spiky hair. Angsty protagonist. Terrible evil threatening the world.
Oh, wait a minute, this one looks a bit like Pokémon? And one of the monsters is a podgy dog with a massive face?
And there's a monster that's a tank even though that doesn't make any sense? Okay, I'm on board.
Band of Monsters is the latest JRPG from the publisher, and it takes its cues from the same 90's 16...
| 5 Reasons Titanfalls Popularity Wont Last
Added: 14.04.2014 22:14 | 11 views | 0 comments
Respawn Entertainments Titanfall is sweeping both headlines and Xbox Live right now. It may the it game right now, but much like the Spice Girls, Justin Bieber, and Furbies, its shelf-life looks to be much shorter than its peers.
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